§ 18-20. Fees.
Generally. Fees relating to work regulated by this chapter shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of this section. A permit shall not be valid until the fees prescribed by law have been paid, nor shall an amendment to a permit be released until the additional fee, if any, has been paid. The payment of the fee for the construction, alteration, removal or demolition for work done in connection to or concurrently with the work authorized by a building permit shall not relieve the applicant or holder of the permit from the payment of other fees that are prescribed by law.
Permit fees.
Valuation of construction. The determination of the value or valuation under any of the provisions of these codes shall be made by the building official. The value to be used in computing the permit and plan review fees shall be the total value of all construction work for which the permit is issued. Separate values or valuations shall be computed and separate permits shall be obtained and separate plan review fees shall be paid for each building or structure included in an application for permits. Fees may be waived at the discretion of the building official during times of declared emergency.
One- and two-family detached dwelling building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, elevator and fire protection permit fees. One- and two-family detached dwelling building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, elevator and fire protection permit fees are as follows:
Total Valuation Fee
$0.00—$1,000.00 ..... $52.00
$1,001.00—$2,000.00 ..... 58.00
For the first $2,000.00 ..... 58.00
Plus, for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 ..... 4.33
$100,001.00 and over:
For the first $100,000.00 ..... 483.00
Plus, for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof ..... 1.41
Building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, elevator and fire protection permit fees for other than one- and two-family detached dwellings. Building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, elevator and fire protection permit fees for other than one- and two-family detached dwellings are as follows:
Total Valuation Fee
$0.00—$500.00 ..... $52.00
$501.00—$2,000.00 ..... 93.00
For the first $2,000.00 ..... 93.00
Plus, for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $200,000.00 ..... 14.00
For the first $200,000 ..... 2,774.00
Plus, for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00 ..... 9.00
$1,000,001.00 and over:
For the first $1,000,000.00 ..... 9,965.00
Plus, for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof ..... 3.90
Demolition permit fees. Demolition permit fees are as follows:
One- and two-family dwellings and detached accessory buildings per building ..... $90.00
All other structures ..... 221.00
Pre-demolition inspection fee. A pre-demolition inspection fee shall be paid to the building official prior to a pre-demolition inspection being performed. The pre-demolition inspection fee shall not apply towards the demolition permit fee and shall be assessed as follows:
One and two family detached dwellings per building ..... 38.00
All other buildings per building ..... 106.00
Sign permit fees. Sign permit fees are as follows:
Type of Sign Fee
Combination and freestanding signs:
Up to and including 20 square feet ..... 142.00
And for each additional 20 square feet or fraction thereof ..... 24.00
Flat wall signs:
Up to and including 300 square feet ..... 141.00
And for each additional 300 square feet or fraction thereof ..... 24.00
Marquees: Each marquee ..... 467.00
Roof signs:
For surface area not to exceed 300 square feet ..... 467.00
And for each additional 300 square feet or fraction thereof ..... 118.00
Temporary signs (displayed not longer than 60 days):
Each sign ..... 54.00
Outdoor advertising signs: Fees shall be calculated as required for freestanding signs. Each face of such signs shall be calculated separately for permit fee calculations.
Outdoor advertising sign pre-permit inspection fee. An outdoor advertising sign pre-permit inspection fee shall be paid to the building official prior to an outdoor advertising sign pre-permit inspection being performed. The outdoor advertising sign pre-permit inspection fee shall not apply as part of the sign permit fee.
Each sign ..... 337.00
Supplementary permit fees. The fee for a supplementary permit to cover any additional value not included in the original permit shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original permit and the fee which would have been required had the original permit included the entire value. The minimum supplemental permit fee assessed shall be $54.00.
Partial permit fees. When a permit for the construction of part of a building, structure, or building service equipment is requested by the applicant, fees shall be determined in accordance with section 18-20(b)(2) and (3), based on the valuation of work to be performed, as separate permit fees and not as supplementary fees. The minimum fee for a partial permit shall be $83.00.
Fast track permit fees. The fee for a fast track permit issued prior to approval of plans review shall be $80.00. The fast track permit fee shall be in addition to all other fees due.
Building moving permit fee. The fee for a building moving permit shall be $221.00.
Building moving pre-permit inspection fee. A building moving pre-permit inspection fee shall be paid to the building official prior to a building moving pre-permit inspection being performed. The building moving pre-permit inspection fee shall be in addition to all other fees due.
Each building ..... 106.00
Construction document review fees.
Initial construction document review fee. For other than one- and two-family dwellings, when a construction document is required to be submitted, a construction document review fee shall be paid to the building official at the time of submitting the construction documents for review. Such construction document review fee shall be one-half of the permit fee and shall be a credit toward the total fee when the permit is issued.
Resubmittal construction document review fees. When previously identified deficiencies remain uncorrected on subsequent submittals or when items certified on the checklist for building permit construction document submittal as being provided are omitted, a resubmittal construction document review fee shall be assessed at the time of resubmittal of the discipline. This fee shall be one eighth of the total permit fee for resubmittal deficiencies. The fee for certified checklist omissions shall be $75.00. Such resubmittal construction document review fee shall not apply as a credit toward the total permit fee. Maximum resubmittal fee shall be as follows:
One- and two-family dwelling construction document ..... 30.00
Other than one- and two-family dwelling construction document ..... 295.00
Changes to previously reviewed plans. Review of such changes shall be assessed a fee as follows:
Minor reviews ..... 54.00
Major reviews…½ of initial construction document review fee paid. The director or designee shall have the authority to determine the extent of the changes requested and the fee which shall apply. This fee shall be in addition to any other fees required.
Scheduled express review fees. When scheduled express review is requested by the applicant, a fee of $30.00 for one- and two-family dwellings and a fee of $75.00 for all other structures shall be assessed. Such fees shall be in addition to required permit fees. Eligibility for scheduled express review service shall be determined by the building official based on the complexity of the review and availability of staff to perform the review.
Priority project review fee. When priority status is requested by the applicant, a fee of two times the permit fee shall be assessed. Eligibility for priority status shall be determined by the building official based on the complexity of the project and availability of staff to perform the review.
Master plan review without permit application. When a master plan is submitted for review without a corresponding permit application, a fee of one-half the normal permit fee shall be assessed. This fee shall not be credited to future permit applications.
Optional preliminary code review design meetings. When requested by the applicant, preliminary code review meetings may be conducted and a fee shall be assessed for other than one- and two-family detached dwellings as follows:
One- and two-family dwellings ..... no fee
Proposed design less than 20,000 square feet ..... 75.00
Proposed design 20,000 square feet to 40,000 square feet ..... 147.00
Proposed design more than 40,000 square feet ..... 222.00
Re-review and stamping of lost construction documents to replace applicant's reviewed field set of construction documents. Such review and stamping shall be assessed a fee of 25 percent of the initial construction document review fee paid with a minimum fee of $50.00. The maximum fee paid shall be $561.00. Such fees shall be in addition to other required permit fees.
Stamping of additional sets of construction documents. One set of reviewed construction documents shall be provided to the applicant upon permit issuance. Stamping of additional sets of construction documents at the applicant's request shall be assessed a fee of $24.00 per set.
Nighttime building permits. The application fee for a nighttime building permit shall be $68.00. Such fees shall be in addition to other required permit fees.
Occupant load certificate fee. When requested by the applicant, the occupant load of a building or portion of a building will be calculated and a fee shall be assessed of $143.00.
Replacement of occupant load certificate or certificate of occupancy. When requested by the applicant, a replacement copy of a previously issued occupant load certificate or certificate of occupancy, if located, will be generated. A fee shall be assessed of $36.00 per request.
Floodplain certificate fee. The application fee for a floodplain certificate shall be assessed as follows:
One- and two-family dwelling floodplain certificate ..... 54.00
Other than one- and two-family dwelling floodplain certificates ..... 112.00
Code compliance verification letter fee. When requested by the applicant, information related to the status of property with regard to building code and land use regulations will be retrieved and transmitted to the applicant and a fee shall be assessed of $143.00.
Address change processing fee. When requested by the property owner, address changes in compliance with addressing standards shall be processed and a fee shall be assessed as follows:
One- and two-family detached dwellings per building ..... 36.00
All other buildings per building ..... 143.00
Expiration of permit. The fee to renew an expired permit shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original construction documents for such work, and provided further that any suspension or abandonment of the work has not exceeded one year.
Commencement of work without permit.
Wherever any work for which a permit is required by this article has been commenced without first obtaining a permit, a special investigation may be made before a permit is issued for such work.
Where work for which any permit is required by this article is started prior to obtaining the permit, the fee specified for such permit shall be tripled. This provision shall not be construed as permission to begin work without the required permit except as follows:
In case of an emergency as set forth in section 18-16(a)(1)b.; or
In case the work is being done at a one-family dwelling by the person who owns and occupies such dwelling and the permit is applied for before the end of the workday following notification.
Fee refunds. Where no portion of the plan review for an application has been commenced, or where no portion of the work covered by a permit issued by the building official has been commenced, the applicant may request in writing that the application or permit be canceled and the plan review or permit fee be refunded. The applicant shall then be entitled to a refund of 90 percent of the applicable fee actually paid, except that a full refund will be made when the fee was paid or collected in error. Refunds will not be made for fees representing work having been done prior to the time the fee refund request is made. Under any circumstance, fee refund requests must be made within 180 days after the date of payment if no permit is obtained, or 30 days after the permit is canceled or expired.
Fee for certificate of occupancy.
Fee for certificate of occupancy not related to work under a building permit. Where a certificate of occupancy is required other than in connection with work under a building permit, the person applying for the certificate shall, at the time of filing application therefore, pay to the building official a fee as required for a team inspection in section 18-20(h). If it is determined that work requiring a permit is necessary for issuance of the certificate, this fee shall be applied toward the permit fee.
Temporary certificate of occupancy fees. When a temporary certificate of occupancy is requested by the applicant in connection with work under a building permit and conditions warrant issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy pursuant to section 18-23(d) of this chapter, a fee shall be assessed according to the following schedule:
Residential one- and two-family dwellings, townhouses and associated accessory structures:
1st temporary certificate ..... $0.00
2nd and subsequent certificates ..... 222.00
2nd and subsequent certificates when certificate is over five working days expired ..... 444.00
All other structures:
1st temporary certificate ..... $0.00
2nd and subsequent certificates ..... 444.00
2nd and subsequent certificates when certificate is over five working days expired ..... 888.00
The building official is authorized to develop written procedures by which the renewal fee may be waived due to special circumstances.
Inspection fees.
Certificate of inspection for underground spaces. Inspection and certification of underground space pursuant to section 18-21(g)(2) of this chapter shall be performed by the building official upon payment of a fee of $368.00 payable upon application for certificate of inspection.
Certificate of inspection for elevators. The fee for the administration of and or inspections and testing of elevator equipment pursuant to section 18-21(g)(1) of this chapter shall be of $135.00 for the first three floors, or 30 feet of travel, plus $11.00 for each additional three floors, or 30 feet of travel or fraction thereof. The elevator equipment owner or maintainer shall remit these fees within 60 days of billing. The elevator equipment inspection and tests shall not be scheduled or performed until these fees have been received. Failure to remit these fees within the 60 days will result in a $17.00 additional administrative fee associated with the cost of the re-billing process for each piece of elevator equipment being billed. All called-for inspections or tests to be performed by department of city planning and development inspectors shall be subject to a minimum fee of $34.00 per each piece of elevator equipment scheduled for inspection and test, if the inspection test is not made or is not completed and the department of city planning and development inspector has appeared at the inspection test site, ready to inspect or observe the test, or the scheduled inspection and test is either canceled or rescheduled less than three working days prior to the scheduled date. Payment of fees associated with the failure to perform an inspection and test scheduled with department of city planning and development inspectors is the responsibility of the registered elevator contractor who scheduled the elevator equipment inspection and test. All fees outlined above are due and payable to the department of city planning and development even when the inspection and testing is performed by a qualified person authorized by the enforcing authority.
Fee for follow-up inspection per state requirements. The fee for a follow-up inspection of elevator equipment by city personnel pursuant to the Elevator Safety Act and Rules of the State of Missouri shall be $73.00. The fee shall be waived if the inspection is performed at the same time as a follow-up inspection pursuant to section 18-21(g)(1) of this Code. The fee, when required, shall be paid before the follow-up inspection is performed.
Certificate of inspection for communication towers. Inspection and certification of communication towers pursuant to section 18-21(g)(3) of this chapter shall be completed by the building official upon payment of a fee of $147.00 payable upon application for certificate of inspection.
Certificate of inspection for multilevel parking station structures. Inspection and certification of multilevel parking station structures pursuant to section 18-21(g)(4) of this chapter, parking stations shall be completed by the building official upon payment of a fee of $295.00 payable upon application for certification of inspection.
Reinspection fees. When work for which an inspection is requested is not complete (not ready when inspector arrives) or when deficiencies identified on two previous inspection events have not been completed a fee of $75.00 shall be assessed and no further inspections shall be completed until such fee is paid.
Inspections outside of normal business hour fees. When the permit holder requests inspections outside of normal business hours, a fee of $60.00 per hour, to include travel time, with a minimum fee of $238.00 shall be assessed for such service. Eligibility for inspections outside of normal business hours shall be determined by the building official based upon the nature of inspections requested and the availability of staff to perform the inspections.
Team inspection fee. When requested by the applicant, the building official may conduct a team inspection of a site/building for the purpose of providing the applicant a written assessment of code issues which may assist the applicant in planning a project or in problem solving. Eligibility for team inspections shall be determined by the building official based upon the nature of inspections requested and the availability of staff to perform the inspections. A fee, payable prior to the inspection being performed, shall be assessed as follows:
Buildings/projects less than 20,000 square feet ..... 299.00
Buildings/projects 20,000 square feet to 40,000 square feet ..... 396.00
Buildings/projects more than 40,000 square feet ..... 495.00
Electrical service reconnect fee : When a request is made by a property owner for an inspection of an existing electrical service for the purpose of approving the electric utility connection, a fee of $54.00 shall be assessed. If it is found that work requiring an electrical permit is required, this fee may be credited toward the permit fee.
Exception: Reconnection of a service due to a fire occurring within the 90 days prior to the request.
Code modification request fees. Code modification requests (CMR) submitted pursuant to section 18-6 of this chapter shall be assessed the following fees:
One- and two-family dwellings per dwelling unit ..... 53.00
All other structures per building or tenant space, whichever is greater ..... 112.00
When multiple units of one and two-family dwellings are submitted for the same project in the same request, or when multiple buildings or tenant spaces for all other structures are submitted for the same project in the same request, the maximum fee will be ..... 590.00
Requirements contained in article XII, contractors, division 3, licensing ..... 53.00
Building and fire codes board of appeals fees.
One- and two-family dwellings per dwelling unit ..... 53.00
All other structures per building or tenant space, whichever is greater ..... 112.00
When multiple units for one- and two-family dwellings are submitted for the same the same project, in the same request, or when multiple buildings or tenant spaces for all other structures are submitted for the same project in the same request, the maximum fee will be ..... 590.00
Requirements contained in article XII, contractors, division 3, licensing ..... 53.00
Continuance requested by appel- lant…one half of original filing fee
No filing fee will be charged for appeals of decisions on code modification requests.
Special exception to issuance of floodplain certificate ..... 112.00
Contractor license application fee ..... 60.00
Contractor license fees. The quadrennial fees for contractor licenses shall be $181.00. See section 18-327 for list of applicable license classes. Contractor license fees shall not be refundable.
Certificate of qualification application fee ..... $60.00
Certificate of qualification renewal fee. The quadrennial renewal fee for all certificates of qualification shall be $181.00, except that the certificate fee shall be waived for employees of the city who work for the city as tradesmen or inspectors. Certificates of qualification shall be issued at no charge for the first four years and shall be renewed quadrennial thereafter at the rate established by this chapter.
Encroachment fees.
Encroachment permit application fee. Applications submitted pursuant to section 18-40 (chapter 32 of the International Building Code, as amended) of this chapter for approval of private use of public property shall be assessed an application fee of $147.00. This fee is not intended to represent any rental or other payments that may also be required by the city.
Encroachment license fee. Encroachment into the right-of-way will be subject to the imposition of an annual license fee of $63.00 plus $0.63 per square foot of encroachment. Aerial (over seven feet above grade) or underground encroachments shall be charged $63.00 plus $0.31 per square foot. Encroachments granted to the State of Missouri and the United States will not require payment of an encroachment fee because it is in the public interest to permit such encroachments without additional costs to these public entities.
Adjustment of fees. The city manager shall have the authority to adjust the fees listed above, except sections 18-20(b)(2) and 18-20(b)(3), to reflect the change in the consumer price index (all items/all urban consumers/Midwest urban) published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The adjustments, if any, shall be made annually by the city manager in conjunction with the adoption of the annual budget of the city by filing a notice with the city clerk.
(Ord. No. 040477, § 1, 8-12-04; Ord. 071193, § 1, 1-3-08; Ord. No. 080766, § 1, 8-14-08; Ord. No. 090063, § 1, 2-12-09; Ord. No. 120375, § 1, 5-24-12; Ord. No. 160454 , § A, 6-23-2016; Ord. No. 190211 , § 1, 3-28-19)
Cross reference
Exemption from building permit fee for property located in municipal disaster assistance zone, § 2-6.