§ 1007. Front foot assessments.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Annual levy. The Council may, upon recommendation of the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners, and for the purpose of maintaining, repairing and otherwise improving the boulevards, parkways, roads and other highways under the control and management of the Board, levy by ordinance annually, a special assessment on the lots, tracts and parcels of land abutting on boulevards, parkways, roads and highways under the Boards control.


    Maximum levy. No annual assessment shall exceed the sum of one dollar per abutting foot of lands on the boulevards, parkways, roads and highways.


    Lien. Every assessment shall be a lien on the property charged from the date of the enactment of the ordinance making the levy and shall be enforced and collected in the manner provided by ordinance. The City Council may provide for penalties for the failure to pay assessments when due, and may provide for the sale of property assessed to satisfy the assessments.

Editor's note

This section becomes effective on March 1, 2007.