§ 50-160. Prohibited acts at public amusement events.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully disrupt, obstruct, hinder or disturb any public amusement event or to knowingly go onto or knowingly cause another to go onto the performing, playing or exhibition surface, field, stage or area of a public amusement event without the consent of a person having the authority to give that consent.


    Within the meaning of this section, a public amusement event shall be deemed to include any event, where an admission fee is charged, designed, performed or conducted in the city for the purpose of public amusement, entertainment, exhibition, contest or performance, and shall include but not be limited to sports or sporting games, matches or events, race events, plays, theatrical performances or events, and motion picture shows.

(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 26.57.1; Ord. No. 55098, 5-13-83)

Cross reference

Amusements and commercial recreation, ch. 12.