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  • Required setbacks must be unobstructed and unoccupied from the ground to the sky except that features are allowed to encroach into required setbacks to the extent indicated in the following table:

    Obstruction/Projection into Required Setback Front Side Rear
    Accessory buildings used for domestic storage (e.g., sheds and tool rooms) No No No
    Air conditioning units, provided the unit is not more than 4 feet in height No Yes Yes
    Arbors and trellises Yes Yes Yes
    Awnings, canopies, light shelves, and architecturally integrated solar shading devices Yes Yes Yes
    Bay windows that project no more than 3 feet into the setback and are located at least 4 feet above grade at their lowest point Yes No Yes
    Chimneys that project no more than 18 inches into the setback Yes Yes Yes
    Decks and balconies of less than 500 square feet for detached houses may extend into the rear yard setback, provided that a minimum rear yard setback of 20 feet is maintained No No Yes
    Eaves and gutters projecting 3 feet or less into setback Yes Yes Yes
    Fences and walls (no more than 20% opaque) up to 6 feet in height No Yes Yes
    Fences and walls (more than 20% opaque or solid) up to 6 feet in height No Yes Yes
    Fire escape, open; projecting not more than one-half the width of the setback No Yes No
    Fire escape, open; projecting not more than 8 feet into the setback No No Yes
    Fireproof outside stairway or solid-floored balcony to a fire tower that projects no more than 4 feet into the setback No No Yes
    Flagpoles Yes Yes Yes
    Geothermal heat pumps and geothermal heat exchange system equipment up to 4 feet in height above grade No Yes Yes
    Insulation added to the outside of the exterior wall of an existing building Yes Yes Yes
    Parking spaces, enclosed, accessed from alleys No No Yes
    Parking spaces, unenclosed in R districts No No Yes
    Patios over 4 feet above the average level of the adjoining ground No No Yes
    Porches and balconies with a roof that are open on at least 3 sides <10 feet No Yes
    Rain barrels and cisterns up to 5 feet in height above grade Yes Yes Yes
    Recreational equipment (e.g., swing sets and basketball hoops) No No Yes
    Roof projecting from garage over open patio not to exceed 8 feet No No Yes
    Satellite dish antennas, not exceeding 1 meter in diameter No No No
    Satellite dish antennas, over 1 meter but not exceeding 3.0 meters in diameter No No Yes
    Sills, belt courses, cornices, buttresses and other architectural features projecting no more than 3 feet into the setback Yes Yes Yes
    Solar and wind energy systems, building-mounted No Yes Yes
    Solar and wind energy systems, ground-mounted No No Yes
    Stairs (unenclosed) No Yes Yes
    Steps no more than 6 feet above grade that are necessary for access to a permitted building or for access to zoning lot from a street or alley Yes Yes Yes
    Wheelchair lifts and ramps that meet federal, state and local accessibility standards Yes Yes Yes


(Ord. No. 120697, § 1, 8-23-2012; Ord. No. 120783, § 1, 10-4-2012; Ord. No. 130441, § 1, 7-11-2013; Ord. No. 140919, § A, 11-13-2014; Ord. No. 151013, § A, 12-10-2015; Ord. No. 160341 , § 1, 5-12-2016)