Notice of the city plan commission hearing shall be mailed by United States mail,
first class, to any property owner within the subject site and within 185 feet of
the subject site. The notice shall be mailed not less than 13 days before the date
set for such hearing. The names of property owners shall be determined as the owners
of records according to the records of the city.
For city initiated vacations of any unimproved right-of-way which is not part of the
major street plan and which does not provide physical access to any property, the
department requesting the vacation shall provide notice of the request, by mail, to
each adjoining property owner and any registered neighborhood organization and/or
registered civic organization, the boundaries of which include the right of way to
be vacated, at least 13 days prior to any city council committee hearing on the vacation
(Ord. No.
, § B, 1-18-2018)
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