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  • 88-545-04-A. The development review committee is authorized to approve preliminary plat applications that do not include requests for waivers or modifications.

    88-545-04-B. Upon receipt and review of a complete preliminary plat application, the development review committee must review the preliminary plat and, based on the plat's compliance with the approval criteria of 88-545-06, act by simple majority vote to approve the preliminary plat, approve the preliminary plat with conditions or recommend that the preliminary plat be disapproved.

    88-545-04-C. If the development review committee recommends that the preliminary plat be disapproved, the preliminary plat must be forwarded to the city plan commission for a hearing and final decision in accordance with 88-545-05.

    88-545-04-D. Applicants may request that any preliminary plat approved with conditions be forwarded to the city plan commission for a hearing and final decision in accordance with 88-545-05 if such request is made within 15 days of the date of development review committee action on the preliminary plat.

    88-545-04-E. If the preliminary plat application includes requests for waivers or modifications, the development review committee must review the preliminary plat and, based on the plat's compliance with the approval criteria of 88-545-06, recommend that city plan commission approve the preliminary plat, approve the preliminary plat with conditions or disapprove the preliminary plat.