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  • Complete applications for development plan review must be filed with appropriate personnel in the planning and development department. A complete application will include the following information:


    Name of the development.


    Name, address, and phone number of person or firm that prepared the plan.


    Date plan prepared and any revision dates.


    Graphic and written scale of one inch equals 10-60 or 100 feet. A scale of one inch equals 200 feet may be used for applications consisting of over 200 acres.


    A legal description of the property.


    North arrow.


    A location map identifying boundaries of property in relation to major streets.


    Existing property lines identifying point of beginning and distances and bearings of property lines, consistent with the legal description.


    Identification and written dimensions of the width from centerline and total width of existing perimeter and interior streets, other rights-of-way, and all existing easements.


    Identification and written dimensions of the total width of pavement of existing streets.


    Existing medians within the public right-of-way shall be shown including turn lanes and all other pertinent information within the right-of-way to provide a complete understanding of existing conditions.


    Identification and written dimensions of additional street right-of-way to be dedicated and width of any proposed interior streets and easements (reference Major Street Plan).


    Location and written dimensions of the widths of existing or proposed private vehicular access into the property from perimeter streets and location of existing or approved accesses on properties adjacent or opposite the property, with off-set dimension from the centerlines of such streets and private access.


    Show existing conditions of surrounding property within 300 feet.


    Name of adjacent platted subdivision and identification of lot number and tracts.


    Location, identification, and dimension of proposed lots and tracts.


    Location of proposed buildings and structures and existing buildings and structures to remain, with written dimensions of setback from proposed street right-of-way and adjacent property lines, dimensions of building width and length, number of floors, gross floor area per floor, and total building area. Residential buildings shall identify, in addition, the number of dwelling units per floor and the total number of dwelling units.


    Identification of proposed or existing use or uses within each building, building entrances and exits, docks or other service entrances, outdoor storage and sales areas, and other paved areas.


    Location of proposed or existing parking spaces, aisles, and drives with written setback dimensions from proposed street rights-of-way and adjacent property lines; typical width and length of parking spaces; number of parking spaces per row; and width of parking aisles. (Parking & Loading - 88-420)


    Location and identification of boundaries and phase numbers of the development if proposed to be platted or developed in phases, showing the buildings, structures, access, and parking areas in each phase.


    Existing and proposed topography, with contours at an interval of not less than 5 feet and with approximate first floor elevations of buildings and top of wall and bottom of wall for all retaining walls proposed.


    Location and identification of any proposed and any existing site features to be retained, including detention areas, retaining walls, and other pertinent site features. Retaining walls should include materials and top and bottom of wall heights.


    A plan for landscaping & screening (88-425); outdoor lighting including fixture design. (88-430)


    Identification of all public and private existing and proposed sidewalks, trails and/or bicycle facilities. (see Trails KC and Bike KC plans)


    Building elevations, in color, with materials and architectural detailing.


    Signage plan. (88-445)


    Written information shall be provided in the following order on the plan and in tabular form for each phase and in total. The plan shall identify buildings, phases of development, and other graphic information by numbers or letters to allow easy reference to the following information:


    Existing zoning of property and any proposed zoning, including type of any planned district requested.


    Total land area in square feet or acre.


    Land area or acres for existing and proposed street right of way.


    Net land area or acres.


    Proposed use or uses of each building and structure.


    Height above grade of buildings and structures and number of floors of each building.


    Gross floor area per floor and total for each building. Residential buildings shall also include type of dwelling units, number of dwelling units per floor, and total number of dwelling units.


    Building coverage and floor area ratio.


    Residential development shall, in addition, identify gross and net density.


    Ratio of required number of parking spaces for each use and amount of required, proposed parking spaces.


    Ratio of required number of short term and long term bicycle parking spaces for each use and amount of required, proposed short term and long term bicycle parking spaces.


    Applications for amendments to development plans shall include a written description of the changes to the approved development plan, including any changes in use, phases, parking, signage, or site arrangement.


    Applications for amendments to development plans shall include a written description of the changes to the approved development plan, including any changes in use, phases, parking, signage, or site arrangement.


    Any other information necessary for a determination as to the suitability of the plan for the site, as requested by the Director of City Planning and Development.

    The Director of City Planning and Development has the ability to waive any of the above listed plan requirements upon written request and for good cause shown.

(Ord. No. 151050, § 1, 2-25-2016)