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  • In order to be approved, a development plan, project plan, or site plan must comply with all of the following criteria:

    88-516-05-A. The plan must comply with all standards of this zoning and development code and all other applicable city ordinances and policies, (Note: this provision is not intended to prohibit an applicant from seeking a variance or other form of relief authorized under this zoning and development code or other applicable ordinances, when authorized.)

    88-516-05-B. The proposed use must be allowed in the district in which it is located.

    88-516-05-C. Vehicular ingress and egress to and from the site, and circulation within the site must provide for safe, efficient and convenient movement of traffic not only within the site but on adjacent roadways.

    88-516-05-D. The plan must provide for safe, efficient, and convenient non-motorized travel opportunities, being pedestrian and bicycle movement, on the subject site.

    88-516-05-E. The plan must provide for adequate utilities based on City standards for the particular development proposed.

    88-516-05-F. The location, orientation, and architectural features, including design and material, of buildings and other structures on the site must be designed to be compatible with adjacent properties.

    88-516-05-G. Landscaping, berms, fences and/or walls must be provided to buffer the site from undesirable views, noises, lighting or other off-site negative influences and to buffer adjacent properties from negative influences that may be created by the plan.

    88-516-05-H. The design of streets, drives, and parking areas within the project should result in a minimum of area devoted to asphalt or other impervious surfaces consistent with the needs of the project and city code requirements.

    88-516-05-I. The plan must identify trees to be removed and trees to be preserved during the development of the subject property with the goal of saving trees that are not required to be removed for the development of the property.

(Ord. No. 151050, § 1, 2-25-2016)