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  • Three wall signs are permitted per building elevation, covering a maximum of 10 percent of the total wall area including the area of all awning, canopy, marquee, and under-marquee signs. Wall signs may be internally or externally illuminated and must comply with the standards of 88-445-08-C.

    Awning, canopy, marquee, and under-marquee signs are permitted, and are included in the maximum area allowed for wall signs. Such signs may be internally or externally illuminated and must comply with 88-445-08-D.

    One projecting sign is allowed per building wall, in lieu of one permitted wall sign. If mounted perpendicular to the building wall, the sign must not exceed 12 square feet in area; if mounted radially on a building corner, it must not exceed 40 square feet in area. The sign may not exceed 50 percent of its projecting distance in thickness.

    Projecting signs may be internally or externally illuminated, and may not project more than 4 feet from the building face, with a minimum clearance of 8 feet. On building corners, the sign may project no more than 5 feet. Projecting signs must comply with 88-445-08-E.

    Incidental signs are permitted in the district, according to the standards of 88-445-08-G.

    Business advertising signs are prohibited on premises occupied as residential, institutional, or noncommercial use; in buildings of mixed occupancy, business advertising signs are allowed on or below any level of the building occupied by a commercial use.

    Monument signs, electronic, digital, and motorized signs, changeable copy panels, and outdoor advertising signs are prohibited in this district.

(Ord. No. 160759 , § 1, 10-20-2016)