§ 88-440-06. STUDY CONTENTS

Latest version.
  • Traffic impact studies must include charts, graphics, and narrative presenting at least the following information:

    88-440-06-A. a description of existing land uses and development intensities in the study area, the location and characteristics of roads, sidewalks, bicycle routes, transit facilities and intersections in the study area, and the existing traffic volumes and conditions (including levels of service) of those facilities;

    88-440-06-B. a description of the location and traffic-related characteristics (land use, intensity, expected date of full build-out and occupancy, vehicular access points, pedestrian connections, bicycle routes and transit facilities and characteristics, etc.) of the proposed development and other developments in the study area that are under construction, approved, or pending approval, as well as roadway and other transportation facilities and improvements in the study area that are under construction, programmed, or planned;

    88-440-06-C. projections of future background traffic (existing vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle and transit volumes forecasted to build-out year levels based on agreed upon traffic growth rate) plus traffic generated by other development in the study area that is under construction, approved, or pending approval, future site traffic and total future traffic (the sum of future background traffic and future site traffic);

    88-440-06-D. future background and site traffic projections must be made for the peak hours (as identified by planning and development department staff) of the adjacent road segments and intersections and for the development's expected full build-out and occupancy date, and must include trip generation, trip distribution (using pre-approved distribution by planning and development department staff), and traffic assignment estimates;

    88-440-06-E. studies of the proposed development's incremental impacts on:


    road capacity during peak hours at all site access points and at road segments and intersections in the study area (including determination of the level of service for the road segments and intersections, queuing vs. existing/proposed storage);


    the need for signalization of intersections in the study area;


    pedestrian, bicycle and transit-user safety and convenience; and


    existing or potential high accident areas (as referenced in the adopted transportation plan or determined by planning and development department staff);

    88-440-06-F. a qualitative study/review of sight distance at access points, when required by planning and development department staff;

    88-440-06-G. a description of the location, nature, and extent of site access and transportation improvements and other measures recommended to mitigate any failure to meet traffic operation standards due to the proposed development's traffic impacts, including the expected effectiveness of each mitigation measure in addressing deficiencies, the feasibility of implementing the measures, suggested allocation of responsibility for funding and implementing the measures, the measures' relationship to planned public transportation improvements, and a suggested time schedule for the implementation of the measures;

    88-440-06-H. résumés of the preparers of the study, demonstrating specific education, training, and professional experience in traffic-related studies and, if the study involves roadway or traffic signal design, traffic engineering; and

    88-440-06-I. identification of all assumptions and data sources used in its projections, studies, and recommendations.