Kansas City |
Zoning and Development Code |
88-440-03-A. The traffic impact study must demonstrate that the proposed development would not cause build-out-year, peak-hour levels of service on any arterial or collector road or intersection within the study area to fall below Level of Service (LOS) "D," as defined by the latest edition of the highway capacity manual, or, where the existing level of service is already LOS "E" that the proposed development would not cause the LOS to fall to the next lower letter grade.
88-440-03-B. If the road segment or intersection is already LOS "F," the traffic impact study must demonstrate that the proposed development, with any proposed improvements, would not cause build-out year peak-hour operation to degrade more than 5% of the total delay on any intersection approach.
88-440-03-C. To the extent that application proposes specific access points, the study must also demonstrate that the proposed development would avoid unsafe conditions on adjacent roads.
88-440-03-D. The traffic impact study must include an assessment of the proposed development's impacts on pedestrian level of service as established in the Kansas City Walkability Plan. This assessment must be in the form of a pedestrian impact study, which must be prepared in accordance with the methodology contained in "Appendix C" of the Walkability Plan. The pedestrian impact study must demonstrate that the proposed development meets the minimum level of service standards by measurement and area type.
88-440-03-E. The traffic impact study must also address on-street parking impacts; the availability of transit service and facilities and connections to transit; impacts on immediate and adjacent neighborhoods; and the convenience and safety effects on all modes of transportation.
88-440-03-F. Failure to meet these standards may serve as a basis for denying the application, or for conditioning approval of the application or application on provision of improvements or other mitigation measures needed to correct deficiencies due to the proposed development's impacts.