§ 88-420-02. APPLICABILITY  

Latest version.
  • 88-420-02-A. NEW DEVELOPMENT

    Unless otherwise expressly stated, the parking and loading standards of this article apply to all new buildings constructed and all new uses established in all zoning districts after September 10, 1951.



    Unless otherwise expressly stated, the parking and loading standards of this article apply whenever an existing building or use is enlarged or expanded to include additional dwelling units, floor area, seating capacity, employees or other units of measurement used for establishing off-street parking and loading requirements.


    In the case of enlargements or expansions triggering requirements for additional parking or loading, additional off-street parking and loading spaces are required only to serve the enlarged or expanded area, not the entire building or use. In other words, there is no requirement to address lawfully existing parking or loading deficits.


    Unless otherwise expressly stated, when the use or occupancy of property changes, additional off-street parking and loading facilities must be provided to serve the new use or occupancy only when the number of parking or loading spaces required for the new use or occupancy exceeds the number of spaces required for the use that most recently occupied the building, based on the standards of this zoning and development code. In other words, "credit" is given to the most recent lawful use of the property for the number of parking spaces that would be required under this zoning and development code, regardless of whether such spaces are actually provided. A new nonresidential use is not required to address a lawful, existing parking deficit.

(Ord. No. 160454 , § B, 6-23-2016)