Kansas City |
Zoning and Development Code |
Appendix 88-415. STREAM BUFFERS |
§ 88-415-03. BUFFER ZONES
Required stream buffer widths are measured horizontally from the edge of stream. The overall required buffer is organized into 3 zones, as follows:
The streamside zone extends 25 feet landward from the edge of stream.
88-415-03-B. MIDDLE ZONE
The middle zone extends landward from the outer edge of the streamside zone and encompasses the FEMA- or city-designated 1% (i.e., 100-year) floodplain where applicable, or the limits of the 1% (i.e., 100-year) conveyance, as determined by a qualified engineer using city-approved methods; and jurisdictional wetlands as determined using U.S. Army Corps of Engineers delineation methods or other city-approved means. Where wetland fills and mitigation are approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the middle zone will be adjusted to exclude filled wetlands and include mitigated wetlands contiguous to the floodplain or flood conveyance. Where the FEMA floodplain, 1% (i.e., 100-year) conveyance, or jurisdictional wetlands as defined above fall inside the outer limits of the streamside zone, the middle zone width as measured from the outer edge of the stream side zone is zero feet wide.
88-415-03-C. OUTER ZONE
The outer zone extends landward 75 feet from the outer edge of the middle zone, or in such cases where the middle zone is zero, from the outer edge of the streamside zone. When slopes exceeding 15% or mature riparian vegetation areas are contiguous with the middle zone boundary, the width of the outer zone is expanded to encompass such resource areas. Mature riparian vegetation includes vegetation areas that are field-surveyed, as described in 88-415-07-D. The maximum extent of the outer zone is established, at the landowner's election, as follows:
If 100% of the outer zone area is set aside and protected as permanent open space, the maximum extent of the outer zone is 150 feet, as measured from the edge of the middle zone.
If portions of the outer zone are to be developed in accordance with 88-415-05-C.2 through 88-415-05-C.4 and 88-415-07-C., the maximum extent of the outer zone is 250 feet.
(Ord. No. 120783, § 1, 10-4-2012)