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  • One of the following screening options may be used to screen views of drive-through functions from streets.

    88-340-03-A. GRADE CHANGES

    Grade changes may serve as screening of drive-through functions when the site is located below grade and not visible from the adjacent street. A section drawing of the street and subject site shall be provided to show that all views of the drive-through functions will be obscured from the street.

    88-340-03-B. LANDSCAPE AREA

    A landscape area adjacent to the street right of way in the front and/or street side yard shall be installed and located in the area of the setback from the street right-of-way. The landscape area shall be planted with enough evergreen shrubs and/or native grasses to form a low continuous visual screen at least 3 feet in height after the first growing season, and the landscaping installed in this landscape area shall be in addition to the landscaping required by 88-425.

    88-340-3-C. LANDSCAPE ISLAND

    A landscape island may be provided next to the drive-through lane which shall be a minimum of five feet in width and shall be planted with enough evergreen shrubs and/or native grasses to form a low continuous visual screen of the drive-through functions at least 3 feet in height after the first growing season.

    88-340-03-D. WALLS

    A solid masonry wall 3 feet in height, with evergreen shrubs and/or native grasses planted on the street side of the wall to form a low continuous visual screen at least 3 feet in height after the first growing season. Masonry walls shall have openings as necessary to provide pedestrian access to the site.

    88-340-03-E. BERMS

    A series of berms planted with offset rows of evergreen shrubs and/or native grasses to form a low continuous visual screen at least 3 feet in height after the first growing season.

    88-340-03-F. PORTE-COCHERE

    A permanent porte-cochere may be used to screen drive-through service windows. The porte-cochere shall extend the width of the drive and be a minimum of 20 feet in length. The porte-cochere shall be structurally integrated with the principal building and design shall be consistent in respect to pattern, scale, material, and form.

(Ord. No. 170118 , § A, 4-13-2017)