Latest version.
  • The use standards of this section apply to artisanal food and beverage production, including but not limited to production of alcohol, coffee, bakery goods, or similar products.

    88-318-01-A. Retail sales of the product produced on site are allowed. If to be consumed off-site, the product must be in the original packaging. The product may also be sold and served on-site, and accessory retail sales of related items are permitted.

    88-318-01-B. Total floor area of the establishment, including production and retail areas, shall not exceed 5,000 square feet.

    88-318-01-C. No more than 50% of the product may be produced for sale to a wholesaler and at least 50% of the product must be sold for retail use, to be consumed either on- or off-site.

    88-318-01-D. All equipment used in the production and all products produced must be located within the principal building.

    88-318-01-E. The production process shall not produce odors, dust, vibration, noise, or other external impacts that are detectable beyond the property lines of the subject property.

(Ord. No. 150233, § 1, 5-28-2015; Ord. No. 160341 , § 1, 5-12-2016)