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  • Any adult cabaret, bathhouse, massage shop, or modeling studio must meet the following location and site requirements:

    88-210-03-A. Not more than 2 adult businesses may be located within 1,500 feet of each other (regardless of whether such uses are located in different zoning districts) as measured in a straight line from the lot line of the affected properties; provided, however, that the development plan that is approved with the establishment of a CXO district may provide for multiple adult businesses within the same facility.

    88-210-03-B. All access must be provided from a major thoroughfare.

    88-210-03-C. The property on which such use is located must have a minimum of 50 feet of street frontage.

    88-210-03-D. The property on which the use is located must be screened by a solid masonry wall at least 6 feet in height along the side and rear property lines, provided that the parking lot may be screened by decorative fencing such as wrought iron or brick and need not be screened by a solid masonry wall.

    88-210-03-E. The facility in which the use is located and the parking for such facility must have a front setback of at least 20 feet, a minimum side setback of 10 feet, and a minimum rear setback of 10 feet provided that where the use is proposed in an existing building, the setback requirements need not be met.

    88-210-03-F. Off-street parking and landscaping requirements must be met, except that the city council may approve a development plan that does not comply with the off-street parking requirements when they determine that parking provided is consistent with sound planning principles in consideration of anticipated use, transit accessibility and off-site parking availability. The parking provided on the development plan must remain available and will constitute a violation if not provided.

    88-210-03-G. The facility in which the use is located and the parking for such facility must have a front setback of at least 20 feet, a minimum side setback of 10 feet, and a minimum rear setback of 10 feet provided that where the use is proposed in an existing building, the setback requirements need not be met.

    88-210-03-H. The facility in which the use is located must be designed so that all openings, entries and windows prevent view into such facilities from any sidewalk, walkway, street, or other public area, provided that the development plan may provide for openings into such facility where needed for security reasons if no merchandise or pictures can be viewed from the openings.

    88-210-03-I. The facility in which such use is located is limited to one wall-mounted sign no greater than one square foot of sign area per linear foot of wall length, not to exceed a total of 50 square feet, provided that the city council may approve the location of up to 3 signs that collectively may not exceed a total of 50 square feet in area. Signs may not flash, blink, or move by mechanical means and may not extend above the roofline of the building. Further, no merchandise or pictures of products or entertainment on the premises may be displayed in window areas or any area where such merchandise or pictures can be viewed from the sidewalk in front of the building. Flashing lights or lights that give the impression of motion or movement are not permitted.

(Ord. No. 160759 , § 1, 10-20-2016)