§ 1010. Use of parks.  

Latest version.
  • The Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners is hereby authorized to license or lease any land, building, or parts thereof in any park for any public park and recreation purposes to any person undertaking to serve that purpose, in the manner provided by this Charter, and may grant concessions in a park or park facility for the sale of refreshments, recreational services, and for other park and recreational purposes to the public using the same, upon terms and under regulations as the board may prescribe; provided however, that the sale of spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors or other intoxicating beverages shall only be permitted within any park, parkway or public ground under the control and management of the Board or at special permitted events by civic, religious, school, service, fraternal, patriotic, political or professional clubs or organizations, provided they have secured all other required permits, or at other locations as prescribed by the Board. No concession shall be for a longer term than twenty years. No concession shall be granted for any purpose not within the objects for which such parks, squares, grounds or buildings are held by the city; and in every license, lease or concession the board shall reserve the right to enter at all times into and upon the premises so demised, and any breach of any license or lease entered into under this section, or any violation of the provisions of this section, shall be sufficient ground for the termination of the lease at the option of the Board.

    All monies derived from any licenses, leases or concessions or from the sale of the products obtained from any park, or of any personal property in use by, or belonging to the Parks and Recreation Department, shall be paid into the treasury of the City, and be credited to the Parks and Recreation Department funds designated by the Board and be used and expended by the Board for park purposes, and none other.