Kansas City |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 602. Nominations—Primary election.
Filing period. A person may submit to the City Clerk or election authorities a nominating petition at least twelve weeks prior to the date of the primary election. The election authorities shall examine the petitions immediately as to their sufficiency and shall publish a notice as required by law.
Required signatures. The following number and source of signatures are required to qualify for the primary ballot:
Mayor No less than 1,000 nor more than 2,500 registered voters of the City
Council member at-large No less than 500 nor more than 1,500 registered voters of the City District Council member No less than 300 nor more than 750 registered voters of the district (c)
Nominating petition requirements.
Multiple pages. Signatures to a nominating petition need not all be appended to one page, but each separate page must have an affidavit of the circulator stating that each signature was made in the circulator's presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be.
Required information. Each signer of a petition shall sign his or her name in ink or indelible pencil, and designate his or her residence by street and number, or other description sufficient to identify the place. Printed or typed names of each signer shall be included in each petition.
No embellishment of nominating petition. A nominating petition shall not include any political party or other designation.
Form of petition. The City Clerk shall provide form nominating petition papers.
Verification of signatures. If necessary, no later than the Thursday following the close of the filing period the City Clerk will distribute nominating petitions to the appropriate election authorities for verification of signatures. Election authorities will return to the City Clerk nominating petitions showing valid and invalid signatures with a count of valid signatures.
Primary ballot.
Determination of signature threshold. The City Clerk will total the number of valid signatures reported by each election authority for each person to determine compliance with the requirement for valid signatures. Persons who submit a nominating petition to the City Clerk with the required signatures will be placed on the primary ballot for the office designated in the petition.
One office. A person may be on the City primary ballot seeking only one office.
Submission of information to election authorities. The City Clerk will prepare the appropriate documents for submission to the election authorities setting forth those persons to be placed on the primary ballot as soon as possible.
(Ord. No. 140057 , § 4, 1-23-14, eff. 5-1-14)