§ 906. Compensation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Compensation fixed. The Council shall establish a schedule of compensation for employees in the municipal service.


    Uniform compensation and schedule of compensation. In the classified service, the Council shall provide uniform compensation for like service as determined by the grading and classification of the Human Resources Director. Such schedule of compensation may establish a minimum and a maximum for any class, and any other benefits. An increase in compensation within the limits provided for any class may be granted by the City Manager or other appointing authority upon the basis of efficiency and seniority records, subject to such rules and regulations as may be established.


    Employee authorizations. A schedule of the maximum number of employees in each class shall be prepared for each department by each department director, subject to the approval of the City Manager. Any such schedule may be amended, or a new schedule prepared, by the department director, subject to such approval.