§ 903. The unclassified service.  

Latest version.
  • The unclassified service shall comprise:


    All persons filling elective office;


    The City Manager and Assistant City Managers;


    Directors of each department, including the Director of Parks and Recreation, and their Deputy Directors, but excluding the Court Administrator;


    Members of all boards and commissions;


    The executive secretary to the City Manager, Assistant City Managers, and Mayor and one secretary for each department Director;


    The City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk;


    The City Auditor, Deputy City Auditor and Internal Auditor;


    Contract employees, who must be serving to fill only a temporary need;


    Persons employed to make or conduct a special inquiry, investigation, examination or installation, if the Council or the City Manager certifies that such employment is temporary, and that the work should not be performed by employees in the classified service;


    Assistants to elected officials not otherwise members of the classified service; and


    Persons directly reporting to the department director or persons who directly report to those persons, commonly known as division managers but by whatever title denominated, if designated by ordinance as unclassified, and if not a member of a recognized bargaining unit.

(Ord. No. 140061 , § 4, 1-23-14, eff. 5-1-14)