Kansas City |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 901. Human Resources Board.
Board established. There is created a Human Resources Board to consist of three members appointed by the Mayor to serve four year terms and until a successor qualifies as a member of the Board.
Duties. The Human Resources Board shall:
Appeals. Conduct de novo hearings on appeals on demotions, suspensions, and termination of employment of regular employees in the classified service;
Discipline. Sustain, diminish or increase employee discipline, and impose any other orders it deems appropriate;
Rules. Adopt rules for the Boards operations.
Requirements. Members of the Human Resources Board shall be:
Qualified electors of the City of Kansas City; and
Known to be in sympathy with the merit principle as applied to the classified service.
Prohibitions. Members of the Human Resources Board shall not be, or have been within the four years next proceeding the date of an appointment:
A candidate for any public office;
An elected or appointed member of a local, state or national committee of any political party or active member of any partisan political club or organization;
A salaried public officer; or
Paid worker in any political party.
Chair. The Board shall name one of its members as chair.
Secretary. The Director of Human Resources shall act as secretary of the Board.
Removal. The Mayor may remove a member of the Board only upon charges of nonfeasance, malfeasance or misfeasance in office, and after a public hearing to be held before the Mayor, not less than ten days after notice to the member so charged, accompanied by a statement in writing of the specific acts charged. At the hearing the member may be represented by counsel and shall be entitled to present witnesses in defense.