§ 8-2. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Abatement project designer means an individual who designs or plans AHERA asbestos abatement.
Accumulator means the reservoir of a condensing unit receiving the condensate from the condenser.
Act means the Clean Air Act as amended, 42 USC 7401 et seq. References to the word "Title" pertain to the titles of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, P.L. 101-595.
Actual emissions means the actual rate of emissions of a pollutant from a source operation which is determined as follows:
The actual emissions as of a particular date shall equal the average rate, in tons per year, at which the source operation or installation actually emitted the pollutant during the previous two-year period and which represents normal operation. A different time period for averaging may be used if the director determines it to be more representative. Actual emissions shall be calculated using actual operating hours, production rates and types of materials processed, stored or combusted during the selected time period;
The director may presume that source specific allowable emissions for a source operation or installation are equivalent to the actual emissions of the source operation or installation; and
For source operations or installations which have not begun normal operations on the particular date, actual emissions shall equal the potential emissions of the source operation or installation on that date.
Adequately wet means to sufficiently mix or penetrate with liquid to prevent the release of particles. If visible emissions are observed coming from asbestos-containing material, then the material has not been adequately wetted. However, the absence of visible emissions is not sufficient evidence of being adequately wet.
Administrator means the Regional Administrator for Region VII, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Adsorption cycle means the period during which the adsorption system is adsorbing and not desorbing.
Adverse impact on visibility means the visibility impairment which interferes with the protection, preservation, management or enjoyment of the visitor's visual experience of a class I area, which is an area designated as class I in 10 CSR 10-6.060, (8)(I)3. This determination must be made on a case-by-case basis taking into account the geographic extent, intensity, duration, frequency and time of visibility impairments, and how these factors correlate with the times of visitor use of the class I area and the frequency and timing of natural conditions that reduce visibility.
Affected source means a source that includes one or more emission units subject to emission reduction requirements or limitations under Title IV of the Act.
Affected states means all states contiguous to the permitting state whose air quality may be affected by the modification renewal or issuance of, or is within 50 miles of a source subject to permitting under Title V of the Act.
Affected unit means a unit that is subject to emission reduction requirements or limitations under Title IV of the Act.
Aggressive air sampling means the sweeping of floors, ceilings, walls and other surfaces with the exhaust of a minimum of one horsepower leafblower or equivalent immediately prior to air monitoring.
AHERA means the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (p.L. 99-519).
Air cleaning device means any method, process or equipment which removes, reduces or renders less obnoxious air contaminants discharged into the ambient air.
Air contaminant means any particulate matter, gas or vapor, exclusive of water vapor, including but not limited to smoke, charred paper, dust, soot, grime, carbon or any other particulate matter, fumes or gases, or any combination thereof.
Air contaminant source means any and all sources of emission of air contaminants, whether privately or publicly owned or operated.
Air-dried coating means a coating which is dried by the use of air or forced warm air at temperatures up to 90 degrees Celsius (194 degrees Fahrenheit).
Air pollution means the presence in the ambient air of one or more air contaminants in quantities, of characteristics and of a duration which directly and proximately cause or contribute to injury to human, plant or animal life or health or to property or which unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or use of property.
Allowable emissions means the emission rate calculated using the maximum rated capacity of the installation (unless the source is subject to enforceable permit conditions which limit the operating rate or hours of operation, or both) and the most stringent of the following:
Emission limit established in any applicable emission control regulation, including those with a future compliance date; or
The emission rate specified as a permit condition.
Allowance means an authorization, allocated to an affected unit by the administrator under Title IV of the Act to emit during or after a specified calendar year, one ton of sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ).
Alternate site analysis means an analysis of alternative sites, sizes, production processes and environmental control techniques for such proposed source which demonstrates that benefits of the proposed installation significantly outweigh the environmental and social costs imposed as a result of its location, construction or modification.
Ambient air means all space outside of buildings, stacks or exterior ducts.
Ambient air increments means the limited increases of pollutant concentrations in ambient air over the baseline concentration.
Ambient air quality standards means the National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards to be found in 40 CFR part 50.
Anode bake plant means a facility which produces carbon anodes for use in a primary aluminum reduction installation.
Applicable requirement means all of the following listed in the Act:
Any standard or requirement provided for in the implementation plan approved or promulgated by EPA through rulemaking under Title I of the Act that implements the relevant requirements, including any revisions to that plan promulgated in 40 CFR part 52;
Any term or condition of any preconstruction permit issued pursuant to regulations approved or promulgated through rulemaking under Title I including Parts C or D of the Act;
Any standard or requirement under Section III of the Act, including Section III(d);
Any standard or requirement under Section 112 of the Act, including any requirement concerning accident prevention under Section 112(r)(7);
Any standard or requirement of the acid rain program under Title IV of the Act or the regulations promulgated thereunder;
Any requirements established pursuant to Section 504(b) or Section 114(a)(3) of the Act;
Any standard or requirement governing solid waste incineration, under Section 129 of the Act;
Any standard or requirement for consumer and commercial products, under Section 183(e) of the Act;
Any standard or requirement for tank vessels under Section 183(f) of the Act;
Any standard or requirement of the program to control air pollution from outer continental shelf sources, under Section 328 of the Act;
Any standard or requirement of the regulations promulgated to protect stratospheric ozone under Title VI of the Act, unless the administrator has determined that such requirements need not be contained in a Title V permit;
Any national ambient air quality standard or increment or visibility requirement under Part C of the Title I of the Act, but only as it would apply to temporary sources permitted pursuant to Section 504(e); and
Any standard or requirement established in Sections 643.010 through 643.190 of the Missouri Air Conservation Law and rules adopted thereunder.
Appropriate warning sign means any asbestos hazard warning sign that complies with the regulations of the United States Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules.
Approved source means a source of fuel which has been found by the department director, after the tests as he/she may require, to be in compliance with these sections of the Code.
Approved waste disposal site means a solid waste disposal area that is authorized by the department director to receive friable asbestos containing solid wastes.
Asbestos means the asbestiform varieties of chyrsolite, crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, tremolite and actinolite.
Asbestos abatement means the encapsulation, enclosure or removal of asbestos-containing materials, in or from a building, or air contaminant source, or preparation of friable asbestos-containing material prior to demolition.
Asbestos abatement contractor means any person who by agreement, contractual or otherwise, conducts asbestos abatement projects at a location other than their own place of business.
Asbestos abatement project means an activity undertaken to encapsulate, enclose or remove ten square feet or 16 linear feet or more of friable asbestos-containing materials from buildings and other air contaminant sources, or to demolish buildings and other air contaminant sources containing ten square feet or 16 linear feet or more.
Asbestos abatement supervisor means an individual who directs, controls or supervises others in asbestos abatement projects.
Asbestos abatement work means an individual who engages in asbestos abatement projects.
Asbestos air sampling professional means an individual who by qualifications and experience is proficient in asbestos abatement air monitoring. The individual shall conduct, oversee or be responsible for air monitoring of asbestos abatement projects before, during and after the project has been completed.
Asbestos air sampling technician means an individual who has been trained by an air sampling professional to do air monitoring. That individual conducts air monitoring of an asbestos abatement project before, during and after the project has been completed.
Asbestos caution label means a label that complies with applicable EPA, department of transportation (DOT) and OSHA rule requirements and is securely affixed to a waste container that contains friable asbestos materials.
Asbestos-containing material (ACM) means any material or product which contains more than one percent asbestos by weight.
Asbestos debris means material that results from removal or deterioration of asbestos-containing material.
Asbestos dismantling project means an asbestos abatement project that includes the dissembling, handling and moving of the components of any structural or equipment item that has been coated with friable asbestos-containing material without first removing this material.
Asbestos encapsulation project means an asbestos project involving the coating of a friable asbestos-containing surface material with a sealing substance with the intended purpose of preventing the continued release of asbestos fibers from the material into the air. This definition shall not include:
The repainting of a previously painted asbestos-containing surface primarily for the purpose of improving appearance;
The application of a sealing material to a surface subsequent to the removal of asbestos from it;
The application of an encapsulant to asbestos-containing material while the material is being removed;
The application of a sealing substance to less than ten square feet or less than 16 linear feet of friable asbestos-containing material that is contiguous to other types of material;
The application of a sealing substance to asbestos-containing material that has previously been enclosed or encapsulated; or
The painting of nonfriable asbestos-containing material.
Asbestos enclosure project means an asbestos abatement project that involves the construction of an air tight impact resistant barrier to isolate a surface coated with asbestos-containing material.
Asbestos maintenance operation means any operation that involves the removal or cleanup of less than ten square feet or less than 16 linear feet of friable asbestos-containing material from any type of structure or equipment item in order to repair, replace or maintain the item and anything attached to it.
Asbestos projects means an activity undertaken to remove or encapsulate 160 square feet or 260 linear feet or more of friable asbestos-containing materials or demolition of any structure or building or a part of it containing the previously mentioned quantities of asbestos-containing materials.
Asbestos removal project means an asbestos abatement project consisting of activities that involve, and are required, to take out friable asbestos-containing material from any facility. This definition includes, but is not limited to, activities associated with the cleanup of loose friable asbestos-containing debris or refuse, or both, from floors and other surfaces.
ASME means the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Asphalt prime coat means an application of low-viscosity liquid asphalt to an absorbent surface such as a previously untreated surface.
Asphalt seal coat means an application of a thin asphalt surface treatment used to waterproof and improve the texture of an absorbent surface or a nonabsorbent surface such as asphalt or concrete.
ASTM means the American Society of Testing and Materials.
Automobile means a four-wheel passenger motor vehicle or derivative capable of seating no more than 12 passengers.
Automobile and light duty truck surface coating operations means the application, flashoff and curing of primer, primer-surfacer, topcoat and final repair coatings during the assembly of passenger cars and light duty trucks, excluding such operations when performed by customizers, body shops and other repainters, and excluding the following operations:
Wheel coatings;
Miscellaneous antirust coatings;
Truck interior coatings;
Interior coatings;
Flexible coatings;
Sealers and adhesives; and
Plastic parts coatings.
Automotive underbody deadeners means any coating applied to the underbody of a motor vehicle to reduce the noise reaching the passenger compartment.
Base year means the year chosen in the state implementation plan to directly correlate emissions of the nonattainment pollutant in the nonattainment area with ambient air quality data pertaining to the pollutant. From the base year, projections are made to determine when the area will attain and maintain the ambient air quality standards.
Baseline area means the continuous area in which the source constructs as well as those portions of the intrastate area which are not part of a nonattainment area and which would receive an air quality impact equal to or greater than one microgram per cubic meter (1 ug/m ) annual average (established by modeling) for each pollutant for which an installation receives a permit under 10 CSR 10-6.060(8) and for which increments have been established in 10 CSR 10-6.060(11)(B), Table (2). Each of these areas are references to the standard United States Geological Survey county-township-range-section system. The smallest unit of area for which a baseline date will be set is one section (one square mile).
Baseline concentration means that ambient concentration level which exists at locations of anticipated maximum air quality impact or increment consumption within a baseline area at the time of the applicable baseline date, minus any contribution from installations, modifications and major modifications subject to 10 CSR 10-6.060(8) or subject to 40 CFR 52.21 on which construction commenced on or after January 6, 1975 for sulfur dioxide and particulate matter and February 8, 1988 for nitrogen dioxide. The baseline concentration shall include contributions from:
The actual emissions of other installations in existence on the applicable baseline date; and
The potential emissions of installations and major modifications which commenced construction before January 6, 1975, but were not in operation by the applicable baseline date.
Baseline date means the date, for each baseline area, of the first complete application after August 7, 1977, for sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, and February 8, 1988 for nitrogen dioxide for a permit to construct and operate an installation subject to 10 CSR 10-6.060(8) or subject to 40 CFR 52.21.
Best available control technology (BACT) means an emission limitation, including a visible emissions limit, based on the maximum degree of reduction for each pollutant which would be emitted from any proposed installation or major modification which the director on a case-by-case basis, taking into account energy, environmental and economic impacts and other costs, determines is achievable for such installation or major modification through application of production processes or available methods, systems and techniques, including fuel cleaning or treatment or innovative fuel combustion techniques for control of such pollutant. In no event shall application of best available control technology result in emission of any pollutant which would exceed the emissions allowed by any applicable emission control regulation, including new source performance standards established in 40 CFR part 60 and National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Pollutants established in 40 Part CFR 61. If the director determines that technological or economic limitations on the application of measurement methodology to a particular source operation would make the imposition of an emission limitation infeasible, a design, equipment, work practice or operational standard, or combination thereof, may be prescribed instead to require the application of best available control technology. Such standard shall, to the degree possible, set forth the emission reduction achievable by implementation of such design, equipment, work practice or operation, and shall provide for compliance by means which achieve equivalent results.
Board means the air quality control board.
Building means any structure excluding single-family, owner-occupied dwellings, and vacant public or privately owned residential structures of four dwelling units or less being demolished for the sole purpose of public health, safety or welfare. Excluded structures must be geographically disbursed, demolished pursuant to a public safety determination, and must pose a threat to public safety.
Btu means British thermal unit(s).
Can coating means a surface coating applied to a cylindrical steel or aluminum container. The container can be two pieces (made by a drawn and wall-ironed shallow cup with only one end) or three pieces (made by a rectangular material rolled into a cylinder and the attachment of two end pieces).
Carbon adsorption system means a device containing adsorbent material (e.g., activated carbon, alumina, silica gel), an inlet and outlet for exhaust gases, and a system to regenerate the saturated adsorbent. The carbon adsorption system must provide for the proper disposal or reuse of all VOC adsorbed.
Carbon bed breakthrough means a concentration of VOC in the carbon adsorption device exhaust that exceeds ten percent by weight of the inlet VOC concentration.
Catalytic incinerator means an incinerator using a catalyst in controlling incineration emissions to allow greater combustion at lower temperatures.
Category I nonfriable ACM means asbestos-containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor covering and asphalt roofing products containing more than one percent asbestos as determined using the method specified in 40 CFR part 763, Appendix A, Section 1, Polarized Light Microscopy.
Category II nonfriable ACS means any material, excluding category I nonfriable ACM, containing more than one percent asbestos as determined using the methods specified in 40 CFR part 763, subpart F, Appendix A, Section 1, Polarized Light Microscopy that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations. means any incorporation by reference of a CFR regulation contained in this chapter shall incorporate that regulation, as amended, as of the date of passage of the ordinance containing the reference.
Circumvention means building, erecting, installing or using any article, machine, equipment, process or method which, when used, would conceal an emission that would otherwise constitute a violation of an applicable standard or requirement. That concealment includes, but is not limited to, the use of gaseous adjutants to achieve compliance with a visible emissions standard, and the piecemeal carrying out of an operation to avoid coverage by a standard that applies only to operations larger than a specific size.
City means the City of Kansas City, Missouri.
Class A source means either a class A1, A2 or A3 source as defined in this section.
Class A1 source means any air contaminant source with the potential to emit equal to or greater than 100 tons per year of an air contaminant.
Class A2 source means any air contaminant source, which is not a class A1 source, and with the potential, air cleaning devices not considered, to emit equal to or greater than 100 tons per year of an air contaminant.
Class A3 source means any air contaminant source which emits or has the potential to emit, ten tons per year or more of any hazardous air pollutant or 25 tons of any combination of hazardous air pollutants, or as defined pursuant to Section 112 of the Act.
Class B source means any air contaminant source with the potential, air cleaning devices not considered, to emit equal to or greater than the de minimis amounts of an air contaminant established by the commission, but not a class A source.
Clean room means an uncontaminated area or room which is part of the worker decontamination enclosure system.
Clear coat means a coating which lacks color and opacity or is transparent and uses the undercoat as a reflectant base or undertone color. This term also includes corrosion preventive coatings used for the interior of drums or pails.
Closed container means a container with a cover fastened in place so that it will not allow leakage or spilling of the contents.
Coating applicator means an apparatus used to apply a surface coating.
Coating line means one or more apparatus or operation(s) which include a coating applicator, flashoff area and oven wherein a surface coating is applied, dried or cured.
Coil coating means the coating of any flat metal sheet or strip that comes in rolls or coils.
Cold cleaner means a type of degreaser which consists of a tank of organic solvent used for cleaning or degreasing metal parts at or near room temperature.
Combustion chamber means the discrete equipment, chamber or space of an incinerator in which the products of pyrolysis are combusted in the presence of excess air so that carbon is burned to carbon dioxide. Combustion chamber does not include breaching or stacks of the incinerator.
Commenced means an owner or operator has undertaken a continuous program of construction or modification or that an owner or operator has entered into a binding agreement or contractual obligation to undertake and complete within a reasonable time, a continuous program of construction or modification.
Commenced operation means the initial setting into operation of any air pollution control equipment or process equipment.
Commercial vehicle means a motor vehicle designed or regularly used for carrying freight and merchandise or more than eight passengers.
Condensate (hydrocarbons) means a hydrocarbon liquid separated from natural gas which condenses due to changes in the temperature and/or pressure and remains liquid at standard conditions.
Condenser means any heat transfer device used to liquefy vapors by removing their latent heats of vaporization, including but not limited to shell and tube, coil, surface or contact condensers.
Conservation vent means any valve designed and used to reduce evaporation losses of VOC by limiting the amount of air admitted to, or vapors released from, the vapor space of a closed storage vessel.
Construction means fabricating, erecting, reconstructing or installing a source operation. Construction shall include installation of building supports and foundations, laying of underground pipe work, building of permanent storage structures, and other construction activities related to the source operation. For permits not being reviewed under Section 10 CSR 10-6.060(7) or (8), the installation of building supports and foundations, the laying of underground pipe work, and the building of permanent storage structures may be exempted from the construction definition if authorized by the director. Authorization will occur if the applicant submits a signed waiver of any state liability, a complete list of the activities to be undertaken, and the applicant's full acceptance and knowledge of all liability associated with the possibility of denial of the permit application.
Containment means the area where an asbestos abatement project is conducted. The area must be enclosed either by a glove bag or plastic sheeting barriers.
Control curtain means any of the three following types of closure devices that are to be constructed of not less than four mil thick plastic sheeting material and installed in an entry way of an area that is considered to be contaminated with free asbestos fibers.
A ventilation curtain that allows unrestricted air flow into a contaminated area when it is being ventilated with an exhaust fan. This curtain consists of a single flap that opens into the contaminated area and is securely fastened across the top of the entryway framework so that it overlaps both sides of the entryway by not less than 12 inches and the base of the entryway by not less than three inches.
A confinement curtain that restricts the movement of air into, and from, an unventilated and contaminated area. This curtain consists of three constructed baffles that cover the entire area of the entryway and are securely fastened along the top of the entryway framework and along alternate sides of locations in a manner that will allow two of the curtains to fully cover the entryway opening while a person passes through the third curtain. An airlock arrangement consisting of two confinement curtain entryways that are located at last three feet apart may be substituted for the triple baffle arrangement; or
A closure device for which written department approval is required.
Conveyorized degreaser means a type of degreaser in which the parts are loaded continuously.
Crude oil means a naturally occurring mixture which consists of hydrocarbons and sulfur, nitrogen or oxygen derivatives, or a combination of these, of hydrocarbons which is a liquid at standard conditions.
Custody transfer means the transfer of produced crude oil and/or condensate, after processing and/or treating in the producing operations, from storage tanks or automatic transfer facilities to pipelines or any other forms of transportation.
Cutback asphalt means any asphaltic cement that has been liquefied by blending with VOC liquid diluents.
Decontamination facility means the serial arrangement of rooms or spaces for the purpose of separating the work site from the building environment upon entering the work site and for the cleaning of persons, equipment and contained waste prior to returning to the clean environment.
Degreasing means a solvent metal cleaning in which nonaqueous solvents are used to clean and remove soils from metal surfaces.
Delivery vessel means a tank truck, trailer, railroad tank car or drums.
De minimis levels means any emissions level less than or equal to the rates listed as follows:
Pollutant Tons per year Carbon monoxide 100.0 Nitrogen dioxide 40.0 Total suspended particulates 25.0 Particulate matter-10 micron (PM10) 15.0 Sulfur dioxide 40.0 Ozone (to be measured as VOC) 40.0 Lead 0.6 Mercury 0.1 Beryllium 0.0004 Asbestos 0.007 Fluorides 3.0 Sulfur acid mist 7.0 Vinyl chloride 1.0 Hydrogren sulfide 10.0 Total reduced sulfur
(including hydrogen sulfide)10.0 Reduced sulfur compounds
(including hydrogen sulfide)10.0 Municipal waste combustor organics
(measured as total tetra-through octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans)3.5 × 10 -6 Municipal waste combustor metals
(measured as particulate matter)15.0 Municipal waste combustor acide gases
(measured as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride)40.0 Hazardous air pollutant (each) 10.0 Sum of hazardous air pollutants 25.0 Demolition project means the wrecking, razing, burning or removal of any load supporting structural member or portion of a structure together with any related handling operation.
Department-approved in-house project means an asbestos abatement project in a person's own facility using their own trained facility employees; the project has received departmental approval as part of planned renovation operations.
Designated representative means a responsible individual authorized by the owner or operator of an affected source and of all affected units at the source, as evidenced by a certificate of representation submitted in accordance with subpart B of 40 CFR part 72, to represent and legally bind the owner and operator, as a matter of federal law, in matters pertaining to the acid rain program. Whenever the term "responsible official" is used in 40 CFR part 70, 10 CSR 10-6.065 or in any other regulations implementing Title V of the Act, it shall be deemed to refer to the "designated representative" with regard to all matters under the acid rain program.
Director means the director of the city department assigned responsibility for the air quality control program, or his duly authorized representative.
Dispersion technique means
A dispersion technique is any technique designed to affect the concentration of a pollutant in the ambient air by:
Using that portion of a stack which exceeds good engineering practice stack height;
Varying the rate of emission of a pollutant according to atmospheric conditions or ambient concentrations of that pollutant; or
Increasing final exhaust gas plume rise by manipulating source process parameters, exhaust gas parameters, stack parameters or combining exhaust gases from several existing stacks into one stack; or other selective handling of exhaust gas streams so as to increase the exhaust gas plume rise; and
This definition does not include:
The reheating of a gas stream, following use of a pollution control system, for the purpose of returning the gas to the temperature at which it was originally discharged from the installation generating the gas stream;
The merging of exhaust gas streams where:
The installation owner or operator demonstrates that the installation was originally designed and constructed with the merged gas streams;
After July 8, 1985 the merging is part of a change in operation at the installation that includes the installation of emissions control equipment and is accompanied by a net reduction in the allowable emissions of a pollutant. This exclusion from the definition of dispersion technique shall apply only to the emission limitation for the pollutant affected by a change in operation; or
Before July 8, 1985 the merging was part of a change in operation at the installation that included the installation of emissions control equipment or was carried out for sound economic or engineering reasons. Where there was an increase in the emission limitation or in the event that no emission limitation was in existence prior to the merging, the director shall presume that merging was significantly motivated by an intent to gain emissions credit for greater dispersion. Without a demonstration by the source owner or operator that merging was not significantly motivated by that intent, the director shall deny credit for the effects of merging in calculating the allowable emissions for the source;
Smoke management in agricultural or silvicultural prescribed burning programs;
Episodic restrictions on residential woodburning and open burning; or
Techniques under part (1)c. of this definition which increase final exhaust gas plume rise where the resulting allowable emissions of sulfur dioxide from the installation do not exceed 5,000 tons per year.
Draft permit means the version of a permit for which the permitting authority offers public participation or affected state review.
Drum means any cylindrical container of 13 to 110 gallon capacity.
Dry cleaning installation means an installation engaged in the cleaning of fabrics in an essentially nonaqueous solvent by means of one or more washes in solvent, extraction of excess solvent by spinning, and drying by tumbling or in an airstream. The installation includes but is not limited to any washer, dryer, filter and purification systems, waste disposal systems, holding tanks, pumps, and attendant piping and valves.
DSCF means dry standard cubic foot of exhaust gas.
DSCM means dry standard cubic meter of exhaust gas.
Emergency asbestos abatement project means an asbestos abatement project that must be undertaken immediately to prevent imminent severe human exposure or to restore essential operation.
Emission means the release or discharge, whether directly or indirectly, into the atmosphere of one or more air contaminants.
Emission inventory means the calculation of annual emission rates for each air contaminant from all air contaminant sources at an installation. The reporting period shall be a 12-month period beginning January 1 unless otherwise agreed to by the director.
Emission limitation means a regulatory requirement, permit condition, or consent agreement which limits the quantity, rate, or concentration of emissions on a continuous basis, including any requirement which limits the level of opacity, prescribes equipment, sets fuel specifications, or prescribes operation or maintenance procedures for an installation to assure continuous emission reduction.
Emissions unit means any part or activity of an installation that emits or has the potential to emit any regulated air pollutant or any pollutant listed under Section 112(b) of the Act. This term is not meant to alter or affect the definition of the term "unit" for the purposes of Title IV of the Act.
Emulsified asphalt means an emulsion of asphalt cement and water that contains a small amount of an emulsifying agent, as specified in ASTM D 977-77 or ASTM D 2397-73.
Enamel means a surface coating that is a mixture of paint and varnish, having vehicles similar to those used for varnish, but also containing pigments.
End exterior coating (two-piece) means a surface coating used to cover the outside surface of the end of a two-piece can.
End seal compound means the gasket forming coating used to attach the end pieces of a can during manufacturing or after filling with contents.
Equipment means any item that is designed or intended to perform any operation and includes any item attached to it to assist in the operation.
Excess emissions means the emissions which exceed the requirements of any applicable emission control regulation.
Excessive concentration means:
For installations seeking credit for reduced ambient pollutant concentrations from stack height exceeding that defined in part (2) of the definition for Good Engineering Practice Stack Height, an excessive concentration is a maximum ground-level concentration due to emissions from a stack due in whole or part to downwash, wakes or eddy effects produced by nearby structures or nearby rain features which individually is at least 40 percent in excess of the maximum concentration experienced in the absence of the downwash, wakes or eddy effects, and which contributes to a total concentration due to emissions from all installations that is greater than an ambient air quality standard. For installations subject to the prevention of significant deterioration program as set forth in 10 CS 10-6.060(8), an excessive concentration alternatively means a maximum ground-level concentration due to emissions from a stack due to the same conditions as mentioned previously and is greater than a prevention of significant deterioration increment. The allowable emission to be used in making demonstrations under this definition shall be prescribed by the new source performance regulation as referenced by 10 CSR 10-6.070 for the source category unless the owner or operator demonstrates that this emission rate is infeasible. Where such demonstrations are approved by the director, an alternative emission rate shall be established in consultation with the source owner or operator;
For installations seeking credit after October 11, 1983 for increases in stack heights up to the heights established under part (1) of the definition for Excessive Concentration, an excessive concentration is either:
A maximum ground-level concentration due in whole or part to downwash, wakes or eddy effects as provided under part (1) of the definition for Excessive Concentration, except that the emission rate used shall be the applicable emission limitation (or, in the absence of this a limit, the actual emission rate); or
The actual presence of a local nuisance caused by the stack, as determined by the director; and
For installations seeking credit after January 12, 1979 for a stack height determined under part (2) of the definition for Good Engineering Practice Stack Height, where the director requires the use of a field study or fluid model to verify good engineering practice stack height, for installations seeking stack height credit after November 9, 1984 based on the aerodynamic influence of cooling towers and for installations seeking stack height credit after December 31, 1970 based on the aerodynamic influence of structures not adequately represented by the equations under part (2) of the definition for Good Engineering Practice Stack Height, a maximum ground-level concentration due in whole or part to downwash, wakes or eddy effects that is at least 40 percent in excess of the maximum concentration experienced in the absence of downwash, wakes or eddy effects.
Existing means as applied to any equipment, machine, device, article, contrivance or installation shall mean in being, installed or under construction in the Kansas City metropolitan area on September 25, 1968, except that if any equipment, machine, device, article, contrivance or installation subsequently is altered, repaired or rebuilt at a cost of 50 percent or more of its replacement cost exclusive of routine maintenance, it shall no longer be existing, but shall be considered new as defined in this Code. The cost of installing equipment designed principally for the purpose of air pollution control is not to be considered a cost of altering, repairing or rebuilding existing equipment for the purpose of this definition.
Exterior coating (two-piece) means a surface coating used to coat the outside surface of a two-piece can. Used to provide protection from the lithograph or printing operations.
External floating roof means a storage vessel cover in an open top tank consisting of a double deck or pontoon single deck which rests upon and is supported by the liquid being contained and is equipped with a closure seal or seals to close the space between the roof edge and tank wall.
Extreme environmental conditions means the exposure to any of the weather all of the time, temperatures consistently above 95 degrees Celsius, detergents, abrasive and scouring agents, solvents, corrosive atmospheres, or similar environmental conditions.
Extreme performance coating means a coating designed for harsh exposure or extreme environmental conditions.
Fabric coating means the coating of a textile substrate with a spreader to impart properties that are not initially present, such as strength, stability, water or acid repellency or appearance.
Federally enforceable means all limitations and conditions which are enforceable by the administrator, including those requirements developed pursuant to 40 CFR part 60 and 61, requirements within any applicable state implementation plan, any permit requirements established pursuant to 40 CFR part 52.21, or under regulations pursuant to 40 CFR part 51, subpart I, including operating permits issued under an EPA-approved program that is incorporated into the state implementation plan and expressly requires adherence to any permit issued under the program.
Final permit means the version of a part 70 permit issued by the permitting authority that has completed all review procedures as required by part 70 sections 7 and 8.
Final repair means the final coatings applied to correct topcoat imperfection's after the assembly of the automobile.
Firebox means the chamber or compartment of a boiler or furnace in which materials are burned but does not mean the combustion chamber of an incinerator.
Flashoff area means the space between the application area and the oven.
Flexographic printing, means a form of rotary web letterpress printing, relief plate printing. Images are the raised surface of a flexible wrap around plate. Liquid ink is applied to the raised surface of the plate and then directly to the substrate.
Freeboard height means the distance from the solvent (cold cleaner) or solvent vapor level (vapor degreaser) to the top edge of the solvent container.
Freeboard ratio means the freeboard height divided by the width of the solvent container.
Friable asbestos containing material means any material that contains more than one percent asbestos, by weight, which is applied to ceilings, walls, structural members, piping, ductwork or any other part of a building or facility and which, when dry, may be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
Fugitive emissions means those emissions which could not, according to good engineering practice, pass through a stack, chimney, vent or other functionally equivalent opening.
Furnishings means removable furniture, drapes, rugs and decorative items.
Gasoline means a petroleum liquid having a Reid vapor pressure of four pounds or greater.
Glove bag means a manufactured or fabricated device, typically constructed of six mil transparent polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride plastic. This device consists of two inward projecting tong sleeves, an internal tool pouch and an attached, labeled receptacle for asbestos waste. The bags are especially designed to contain sections of pipe for the purpose of removing a short length of damaged asbestos material without releasing fibers into the air.
Good engineering practice (GEP) stack height means the greater of:
Sixty-five meters, measured from the ground-level elevation at the base of the stack;
For stacks on which construction commenced on or before January 12, 1979 and for which the owner or operator had obtained all applicable permits or approvals required under 40 CFR parts 51 and 52, Hg = 2.5H provided the owner or operator produces evidence that this equation was actually relied on in establishing an emission limitation, and for all other stacks, Hg = H = 1.5L Where: Hg = GEP stack height, measured from the ground-level elevation at the base of the stack, H = height of nearby structure(s) measured from the groundlevel elevation at the base of the stack; and L = the lesser dimension, height or projected width of the nearby structure(s). Provided that the director may require the use of a field study or fluid model to verify GEP stack height for the installation; or
The height demonstrated by a fluid model or field study approved by the director, which ensures that the emissions from a stack do not result in excessive concentrations of any air pollutant as a result of atmospheric downwash, wakes or eddy effects created by the source itself, nearby structures or nearby terrain features.
Growth increment means the limit on new installation or major modification emissions of a nonattainment pollutant. Growth increment is reserved for use only by installations with no applicable, internally generated banked emissions reductions.
Gravure, intaglio printing process. The images are made up of tiny depressions or cells into the surface of the design cylinder. Liquid ink is flowed into the cells while excess ink is scraped from the surface of the cylinder. The cylinder is pressed against the substrate where the ink is transferred from the cells.
Hazardous air pollutant means any of these air pollutants:
CAS # Hazardous Air Pollutant 79345 1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane 79005 1, 1, 2-Trichloroethane 57147 1, 1-Dimethyl hydrazine 120821 1, 2, 4-Trichlorobenzene 96128 1, 2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 122667 1, 2-Diphenylhydrazine 106887 1, 2-Epoxybutane 75558 1, 2-Propylenimine (2-Methyl azirldine) 542756 1, 3-Dichloropropene 1120714 1, 3-Propane sultone 106467 1, 4-Dichlorobenzene(p) 123911 1, 4-Dioxane (1, 4-Diethyleneoxide) 106990 1.3-Butadiene 540841 2, 2, 4-Trimethylpentane 1746016 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 95954 2, 4, 5-Trichlorophenol 88062 2, 4, 6-Trichlorophenol 94757 2, 4-D, salts and esters 51285 2, 4-Dinitrophenol 121142 2, 4-Dinitrotoluene 95807 2, 4-Toluene diamine 584849 2, 4-Toluene diisocyanate 53963 2-Acetylaminofluorene 532274 2-Chloroacetophenone 79469 2-Nitropropane 91941 3, 3-Dichlorobenzidine 119904 3, 3-Dimethoxybenzidine 119937 3, 3-Dimethyl benzidine 101144 4, 4-Methylene bis (2-chloroaniline) 101779 4, 4-Methylenedianiline 534521 4, 6-Dinitro-o-cresol, and salts 92671 4-Aminobiphenyl 92933 4-Nitrobiphenyl 100027 4-Nitrophenol 75070 Acetaldehyde 60355 Acetamide 75058 Acetonitrile 98862 Acetophenone 107028 Acrolein 79061 Acrylamide 79107 Acrylic acid 107131 Acrylonitrile 107051 Allyl chloride 62533 Aniline 0 Antimony compounds 0 Arsenic compounds (inorganic) 1332214 Asbestos 71432 Benzene (including from gasoline) 92875 Benzidine 50328 Benzo(a)pyrene 98077 Benzotrichloride 100447 Benzyl chloride 0 Beryllium compounds 0 Beryllium salts 192524 Biphenyl 117817 Bis((2-ethyihexyl))phthalate (DEHP) 542881 Bis(chloromethyl)ether 75252 Bromoform 0 Cadmium compounds 156627 Calcium Cyanamide 105602 Caprolactam 133062 Captan 63252 Carbaryl 75150 Carbon Disulfide 56235 Carbon tetrachloride 463581 Carbonyl sulfide 120809 Catechol 133904 Chloramben 57749 Chlordane 7782505 Chlorine 79118 Chloroacetic acid 108907 Chlorobenzene 510156 Chlorobenzilate 67663 Chloroform 107302 Chloromethyl methyl ether 126998 Chloroprene 0 Chromium compounds 0 Cobalt compounds 0 Coke oven emissions 1319773 Cresols/Cresylic acid (isomers and mixture) 98828 Cumene 0 Cyanide compounds 3547044 DDE 334883 Diazomethane 132649 Dibenzofurans 84742 Dibulylphthalate 111444 Dichloroethyl ether
(Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether)62737 Dichlorvos 111422 Diethanolamine 64675 Diethyl sulfate 60117 Dimethyl aminoazobenzene 79447 Dimethyl carbamoyl chloride 68122 Dimethyl formamide 131113 Dimethyl phthalate 77781 Dimethyl sulfate 106898 Epichlorohydrin
(1-Chloro-2, 3-epoxypropane)140885 Ethyl acrylate 100414 Ethyl benzene 51796 Ethyl carbamate (Urethane) 75003 Ethyl chloride (Chloroethane) 106934 Ethylene dibromide (1, 2-Dibromoethane) 107062 Ethylene dichloride (1, 2-Dichloroethane) 107211 Ethylene glycol 151564 Ethylene imine (Azirldine) 75218 Ethylene oxide 96457 Ethylene thiourea 75343 Ethyiidene dichloride
(1, 1-Dichicroethane)50000 Formaldehyde 0 Glycol ethers 76448 Heptachlor 118741 Hexachlorobenzene 87683 Hexachlorobutadiene 77474 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 67721 Hexachloroethane 822060 Hexamethylene-1, 6-diisocyanate 680319 Hexamethylphosphoramide 110543 Hexane 302012 Hydrazine 7647010 Hydrochloric acid 7664393 Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid) 123319 Hydroquinone 78591 Isophorone 0 Lead compounds 58899 Lindane (all isomers) 108316 Maleic anhydride 0 Manganese compounds 0 Mercury compounds 67561 Methanol 72435 Methoxychlor 74839 Methyl bromide-(Bromomethane) 14873 Methyl chloride (Chloromethane) 1556 Methyl chloroform
(1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane)8933 Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) 60344 Methyl hydrazine 74884 Methyl iodide (lodomethane) 108101 Methyl isobutyl ketone (Hexone) 24839 Methyl isocyanate 80626 Methyl methacrylate 1634044 Methyl tert butyl ether 75092 Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane) 101688 Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) 0 Mineral fibers 121697 N, N-Diethyl aniline
(N, N-Dimethylaniline)684935 N-Nitroso—N-methylurea 62759 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 59892 N-Nitrosomorphbline 91203 Naphthatene 0 Nickel compounds 0 Nickel refinery dust 12035722 Nickel subsulfide 98953 Nitrobenzene 56382 Parathion 82688 Pentachloronitrobenzene (Quintobenzene) 87865 Pentachlorophenol 108952 Phenol 75445 Phosgene 7803512 Phosphine 7723140 Phosphorus 85449 Phthalic anhydride 1336363 Polychlorinated biphenyis (Arochlors) 0 Polycyclic organic matter 123386 Proplonaidehyde 114261 Propoxur (Baygon) 114261 Propoxur (Baygon) 78875 Propylene dichloride
(1, 2-Dichloropropane)75569 Propylene oxide 91225 Quinoline 106514 Quinone 0 Radionuclides (including radon) 0 Selenium compounds 100425 Styrene 96093 Styrene oxide 127184 Tetrachloroethylene (Perchioroethylene) 7550450 Titanium tetrachloride 108883 Toluene 8001352 Toxaphene (Chlorinated camphene) 79016 Trichloroethylene 121448 Triethylamine 1582098 Trifluralin 108054 Vinyl acetate 593602 Vinyl bromide (bromoethene) 75014 Vinyl chloride 75354 Vinylidene chloride
(1, 1-Dichloroethylene)1330207 Xylenes (isomers and mixture) 57578 beta-Propiolactone 108394 m-Cresol 108383 m-Xylenes 90040 o-Anisjdine 95487 o-Cresol 95534 o-Toluidine 95476 o-Xylenes 106445 p-Cresol 106503 p-Phenylenediamine 106423 p-Xylenes NOTES: For all listings above that contain the word "compounds" and for glycol ethers, the following applies: Unless otherwise specified, these listings are defined as including any unique chemical substance that contains the named chemical (i.e., antimony, arsenic, etc.) as part of that chemical's infrastructure.
X′CN where X-H′ or any other group where a formal dissociation may occur. For example, KCN or Ca(CN) 2 .
Includes mono- and diethers of ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, and triethylene glycol R-(OCH 2 CH 2 )n-OR′ where n-1, 2, or 3; R- alkyl or aryl groups; R′-R, H, or groups which, when removed, yield glycol ethers with the structure R-(OCH 2 CH 2 )n-OH. Polymers are excluded from the glycol category.
Includes glass microfibers, glass wool fibers, rock wool fibers, and slag wool fibers, each characterized as "respirable" (fiber diameter less than 3.5 micrometers) and possessing an aspect ratio (fiber length divided by fiber diameter) greater than or equal to 3, as emitted from production of fiber and fiber products.
Includes organic compounds with more than one benzene ring, and which have a boiling point greater than or equal to 100 degrees Celsius.
A type of atom which spontaneously undergoes radioactive decay.
HHV means a higher heating value as determined by 10 CSR 10-6.040(2). (ASTM Annual Standards: 1972, part 19, D (2015-66) Standard Method for Determining Gross Heating Values of Solid Fuels).
High efficiency particulate air filter means a HEPA filter found in respirators and vacuum systems capable of filtering three-tenths micron particles with at least 99.97 percent efficiency.
High terrain means any area having an elevation 900 feet or more above the base of the stack of the installation.
Homogeneous area means an area of surfacing material, thermal system insulation material or miscellaneous material that is uniform in color and texture.
Hot car means a vehicle which transfers hot coke from the oven to the area of quenching.
Hot well means the reservoir of a condensing unit receiving the warm condensate from the condenser.
Incinerator means any article, machine, equipment, contrivance, structure or part of a structure used to burn refuse or to process refuse material by burning other than by open burning as defined herein.
Indirect heating source means a source operation in which fuel is burned for the primary purpose of producing steam, hot water or hot air, or other indirect heating of liquids, gases or solids where, in the course of doing so, the products of combustion do not come into direct contact with process materials.
Individual source monitoring means a system as specified in EPA document EPA-450/2-78-036 entitled Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Petroleum Refinery Equipment, which utilizes a portable hydrocarbon monitor to measure levels of volatile hydrocarbons emitted from individual process equipment.
Innovative control technology means any system of air pollution control that has not been adequately demonstrated in practice, but would have a substantial likelihood of achieving greater continuous emission reduction than any control system in current practice or of achieving at least comparable reductions at lower cost in terms of energy, economics, or non-air-quality environmental impacts.
Insignificant activity means all emission units identified by an applicant whose aggregate emission levels for the installation do not exceed that of the de minimis levels and do not have any applicable requirements associated with them.
Inspector means an individual, under AHERA, who collects and assimilates information used to determine whether asbestos-containing material is present in a building or other air contaminant sources.
Installation means all source operations, including activities that result in fugitive emissions and any marine vessels docked at that installation, which belong to the same industrial grouping (i.e. which have the same two digit code as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 Supplement), are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the common control of the same person(s).
Interior body spray (two- and three-piece) means the surface coating for the interior and ends of a two-piece formed can or the surface coating of the side of the rectangular material to be used as the interior and ends of a three-piece can.
Internal floating roof means a product cover in a fixed roof tank which rests upon or is floated upon the VOC liquid being contained and which is equipped with a sliding seal(s) to close the space between the edge of the covers and tank shell.
Inventory means a quantification of emissions by installation and by source operation.
Kansas City Metropolitan Area means the geographical area comprised of Jackson, Cass, Clay, Platte, Ray and Buchanan Counties.
Knife coating means the application of a coating material to a substrate by means of drawing the substrate beneath a knife that spreads the coating evenly over the full width of the substrate.
Lacquers means a surface coating that is basically solutions of nitrocellulose in VOCs, with plasticizer and other resins added to improve the quality of the film.
Letterpress means a method of printing in which paste inks are applied to raised type images (type characters, designs, or halftone photos) and those inked type faces then pressed against the substrate which transfers the inked image. Letterpress printing can be done on sheets of paper (sheetfed presses) or rolls of paper (web presses) and letterpress printing is produced from flat bed and from rotary presses.
Light-duty truck means any motor vehicle rated at 8,500 pounds gross weight or less or a derivation of the vehicle which is designed primarily for the purpose of transportation of property.
Liquefied cutback asphalt means an asphalt cement which has been liquefied by blending with petroleum solvents (diluents).
Liquid-mounted seal means a primary seal mounted in continuous contact with the liquid between the tank wall and the floating roof around the circumference of the tank.
Lithography uses the planographic method where the image and nonimage areas are on the same surface plane. The image carrier is chemically treated so that the image will accept ink and the nonimage areas will accept water (dampening solution). Based on the principle, "grease and water do not mix." The inked image carrier, or plate, is pressed against a rubber blanket where the ink is transferred. Then the rubber blanket is pressed against the substrate to transfer the inked image. Both sheetfed and web fed offset lithographic presses are used. There are two basic types of lithographic paste inks: non-heatset inks which include sheetfed inks (cure by oxidation and polymerization) and non-heatset web offset ink (absorption) and heatset web offset inks (dry by evaporation).
Offset lithography means a planographic printing method in which an inked impression is first made upon a rubber-blanketed cylinder and then transferred to the paper being printed.
Lower explosive limit (LEL) means the lower limit of flammability of a gas or vapor at ordinary ambient temperatures expressed in percent of the gas or vapor in air by volume.
Lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) means that rate of emissions which reflects:
The most stringent emission limitation which is contained in any state implementation plan for such class or category of source, unless the owner or operator of the proposed source demonstrates that such limitations are not achievable; or
The most stringent emission limitation which is achieved in practice by such class or category of source, whichever is more stringent. LAER shall not be less stringent than the new source performance standard limit.
MACT (Maximum achievable control technology) means the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of the hazardous air pollutants as listed in this section of the Code (including a prohibition on these emissions where achievable) that the administrator, into consideration the cost of achieving such emissions reductions and any non-air quality health and environmental impacts and requirements, determines is achievable for new or existing sources in the category or subcategory to which this emission standard applies, through application of measures, processes, methods, systems, or techniques including, but not limited to, measures which:
Reduce the volume of or eliminate emissions of such pollutants through process changes, substitution of materials, or other modifications;
Enclose systems or processes to eliminate emissions;
Collect, capture or treat such pollutants when released from a process, stack, storage, or fugitive emissions point;
Are design, equipment, work practice or operational standards (including requirements for operational training or certification); or
Are a combination of the above.
Magnet wire coating means the process of applying a coating of electrically insulating varnish or enamel to aluminum or copper wire for use in electrical machinery.
Major modification means any physical change or change in the method of operation at an installation, or in the attendant air pollution control equipment that would result in a significant net emissions increase of any pollutant. A physical change or a change in the method of operation, unless previously limited by enforceable permit conditions, shall not include:
Routine maintenance, repair and replacement of parts;
Use of an alternative fuel or raw material by reason an order under Sections 2(a) and (b) of the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974, a prohibition under the Power Plant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 or by reason of a natural gas curtailment plan pursuant to the Federal Power Act;
Use of an alternative fuel or raw material, if prior to January 6, 1975 the source was capable of accommodating the fuel or material, unless the change would be prohibited under any enforceable permit condition which was established after January 6, 1975;
An increase in the hours of operation or in the production rate unless the change would be prohibited under any enforceable permit condition which was established after January 6, 1975; or
Use of an alternative fuel by reason of an order or rule under Section 125 of the Clean Air Act.
Malfunction means a sudden and unavoidable failure of air pollution control equipment or process equipment or of a process to operate in a normal and usual manner. Excess emissions caused by improper design shall not be deemed a malfunction.
Management planner means an individual, under AHERA, who devises and writes plans asbestos abatement.
Maskant means a coating applied directly to an aerospace component to protect those areas when etching, plating or electroplating other parts of the component.
Metal furniture coating means the surface coating of any furniture made of metal or any metal part which will be assembled with other metal, wood, fabric, plastic or glass parts to form a furniture piece.
Model year means the annual production period of new motor vehicles designated by the calendar year in which such period ends, provided that if the manufacturer does not so designate vehicles manufactured by him/her, the model year with respect to the vehicles shall mean the 12-month period beginning January I of the year specified in this Code.
Modification means any physical change or change in the method of operation of a source operation or attending air pollution control equipment which would cause an increase in potential emissions of any air pollutant emitted by that source operation.
Modification, Title I. See Title I modification.
Motorcycle means a motor vehicle operated on two wheels.
Motor tricycle means a motor vehicle operated on three wheels, including a motorcycle with any conveyance, temporary or otherwise, requiring the use of a third wheel.
Motor vehicle means any self-propelled vehicle.
Multiple-chamber incinerator means any incinerator consisting of three or more refractory lined combustion furnaces in series, physically separated by refractory walls, interconnected by gas passage ports or ducts and employing adequate design parameters necessary for maximum combustion of the material to be burned, the refractories having a pyrometric cone equivalent of 31, tested according to the method described in the ASTM Method C-24-56, or other method approved by the director.
Multiple fixed-point monitoring means a system for monitoring VOCs where stationary monitors are placed throughout the petroleum refinery which measure atmospheric concentrations of VOCs.
Named installations means the following which are named installations.
Coal cleaning plants (with thermal dryers).
Kraft pulp mills.
Portland cement plants.
Primary zinc smelters.
Iron and steel mills.
Primary aluminum ore reduction plants.
Primary copper smelters.
Municipal incinerators capable of charging more than 250 tons of refuse per day.
Hydrofluoric, sulturic, or nitric acid plants.
Petroleum refineries.
Lime plants.
Phosphate rock processing plants.
Coke oven batteries.
Sulfur recovery plants.
Carbon black plants (furnace process).
Primary lead smelters.
Fuel conversion plants.
Sintering plants.
Secondary metal production plants.
Chemical process plants.
Fossil-fuel boilers (or combination thereof) totaling more than 250 million British thermal units per hour heat input.
Petroleum storage and transfer facilities with a capacity exceeding 300,000 barrels.
Taconite ore processing facilities.
Glass fiber processing plants.
Charcoal production facilities.
Fossil-fuel-fire steam electric plants of more than 250 million British thermal units per hour heat.
All other stationary source categories regulated by a standard promulgated under Section 111 or 112 of the Act, but only with respect to those air pollutants that have been regulated for that category.
Nearby as used in the definition for Good Engineering Practice stack height in this section, is defined for a specific structure or terrain feature:
For purposes of applying the formula provided under the definition for Good Engineering Practice Stack Height; nearby means that distance up to five times the lesser of the height or the width dimension of a structure, but not greater than one-half mile; and
For conducting fluid modeling or field study demonstrations under the definition for Good Engineering Practice Stack Height, nearby means not greater than one-half mile, except that the portion of a terrain feature may be considered to be nearby which falls within a distance of up to ten times the maximum height of the feature, not to exceed two miles if such feature achieves a height one-half mile from the stack that is at least 40 percent of the GEP stack height determined by the formula provided under the definition for Good Engineering Practice Stack Height or 26 meters, whichever is greater, as measured from the ground-level elevation at the base of the stack. The height of the structure or terrain feature is measured from the ground-level elevation at the base of the stack.
Net emissions increase means a condition when the increases in pollutant emissions at an installation exceed decreases of the same pollutant.
In determining whether a net emission increase has occurred, all creditable increases and decreases of actual emissions shall be included occurring at the installation since the most recent permit was issued to the installation pursuant to 10 CSR 10-6.060(1)(B). If no permit has been issued to the installation, then all increases and decreases shall be included occurring since:
The base year inventory used to project attainment in the state implementation plan if the installation is in a nonattainment area and has the potential to annually emit 100 tons or more of the nonattainment pollutant; or
The date on which the most recent permit was issued pursuant to 40 CFR 52.21, or August 7, 1977 for sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, or February 8, 1988 for nitrogen dioxide, whichever is more recent, if the installation is not subject to part (2)(N)3.A.(1).
Rules for determining creditability of increases and decreases.
An increase or decrease in actual emissions is creditable only if the director has not relied on it in issuing a permit for the installation pursuant to 10 CSR 10-6.060(1)(B), which permit is in effect when the increase in actual emissions from the particular change occurs.
An increase or decrease in actual emissions of sulfur dioxide, particulate matter or nitrogen oxides which occurs before the applicable baseline date is creditable only if it is required to be considered in calculating the amount of maximum allowable increases remaining available.
An increase in actual emissions is creditable only to the extent that the new level of actual emissions exceeds the old level.
A decrease in actual emissions is creditable only to the extent that the old level of actual emissions or the old level of allowable emissions, whichever is lower, exceeds the new level of actual emissions; the decrease is enforceable at and after the time that actual construction to bring about the proposed increase begins, and the decrease has approximately the same qualitative significance for public health and welfare as that attributed to the proposed increase.
If credit for a decrease in actual emissions has been banked in accordance with 10 CSR 10-6.060(12)(D) credit must be withdrawn from the bank in order for the decrease to be creditable.
A decrease in actual emissions is creditable only if the director has not relied on it in demonstrating attainment or reasonable further progress.
An increase that results from a physical change at a source occurs when the emissions unit on which construction occurred becomes operational and begins to emit a particular pollutant. Any replacement unit that requires shakedown period becomes operational only after a reasonable shakedown period not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days.
NIOSH means the National Institute of Occupational Safely and Health.
Nonattainment area means an area of Missouri which has failed to achieve compliance with the primary and secondary standards for the criteria pollutants. Often such designated areas of Missouri are contiguous political subdivisions.
Offset means a decrease in actual emissions from source operation or installation which is greater than the amount of emissions anticipated from a modification or construction of a source operation or installation. The decrease must be of the same pollutant and have substantially similar environmental and health effects on the impacted area as the new emissions. Any ratio of decrease to increase greater than one to one (1:1) constitutes offset. The exceptions to this are ozone nonattainment areas where VOC and NOx emissions will require an offset ratio of actual emission reduction to new emissions according to the following schedule: marginal area = 1.1:1; moderate area = 1.15:1, serious area = 1.2:1 severe area = 1.3:1, and extreme area = 1.5:1.
Offtake means any set of piping (for example, standpipes, goosenecks) that interconnects a coke oven with a collecting main which is common to all systems. The offtake system extends from the connection on top of the coke oven to the connection on the collecting main.
Open burning means the burning of any materials wherein air contaminants resulting from combustion are emitted directly into the ambient air without passing through a stack or chimney from an enclosed chamber. For the purposes of this definition, a chamber shall be regarded as enclosed, when during the time combustion takes place, only such apertures, ducts, stacks, flues or chimneys as are necessary to provide combustion air and to permit the escape of exhaust gases are open.
Open-top vapor degreaser means a type of degreaser which consists of a tank where solvent is heated to its boiling point which creates a zone of solvent vapor contained by a set of cooling coils. Condensation of the hot solvent vapor cleans or degreases the colder metal parts.
Outside air means air outside the containment area.
Owner or operator means any person who owns, leases, operates, controls or supervises an air contaminant source.
Pail means any nominal cylindrical container of one- to 12-gallon capacity.
Paint means a pigmented surface coating using VOCs as the major solvent and thinner which converts to a relatively opaque solid film after application as a thin layer.
Part 70 means the Environmental Protection Agency regulations, codified at 40 CFR 70 setting forth requirements for state operating permit programs pursuant to Title V of the Act.
Particulate matter means any material, except uncombined water, that exists in a finely divided form as a liquid or solid at standard conditions and as specifically defined as follows:
Total suspended particles particulate matter as measured by the reference method in 10 CSR 10-6.030 in the context of emissions testing or 10 CSR 10-6.040 in the context of ambient air sampling; and
Particulate matter-10 micron PM 10 -particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of ten microns, or less, as measured by reference method 10 CSR 10-6.040(4)(J) in the context of ambient air sampling.
Permanent shutdown means the permanent cessation of operation of any air pollution control equipment or process equipment, not to be placed back into service or have a start-up.
Permitting authority means either the administrator or the state air pollution control agency, local agency, or other agency authorized by the administrator to carry out a permit program as intended by the Act.
Person means any individual, partnership, association, corporation including parent company of a wholly-owned subsidiary, municipality, subdivision or agency of the state, trust, estate or other legal entity either public or private. This shall include any legal successor, employee or agent of the previous entities.
Petroleum liquid means petroleum, condensate and any finished or intermediate products manufactured in a petroleum refinery with the exception of Number 2 through Number 6 fuel oils as specified in ASTM D(396-69), gas turbine fuel oils Number 2-GT through 4-GT as specified in ASTM D(2880-71), and diesel fuel oils Number 2-D and 4-D as specified in ASTM D(975-68).
Petroleum refinery means any facility which produces gasoline, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, lubricants or other products through distillation, cracking, extraction or reforming of unfinished petroleum derivatives.
Pharmaceutical means any compound or preparation included under the Standard Industrial Classification Codes 2833 (Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products), and 2834 (Pharmaceutical Preparations), excluding products formulated by fermentation, extraction from vegetable material or animal tissue or formulation and packaging of the final product.
Pilot plants means the installations which are of new type or design which will serve as a trial unit for experimentation or testing.
Plant-mix means a mixture produced in an asphalt mixing plant that consists of mineral aggregate uniformly coated with asphalt cement, cutback asphalt or emulsified asphalt.
Pollutant means an air contaminant listed in this section under the definition of "de minimis levels," without regard to levels of emission or air quality impact.
Polyethylene bag sealing operation means any operation or facility engaged in the sealing of polyethylene bags, usually by the use of heat.
Polystyrene resin means the product of any styrene polymerization process, usually involving heat.
Portable equipment means any equipment that is designed and maintained to be movable, primarily for use in noncontinuous operations. Portable equipment includes rock crushers, asphaltic concrete plants and concrete batch plants.
Positive crankcase ventilation system means any system or device which prevents the escape of crankcase emissions to the ambient air.
Potential to emit means the emission rates of any pollutant at maximum design capacity. Annual potential shall be based on the maximum annual-rated capacity of the installation assuming continuous year-round operation. Federally enforceable permit conditions on the type of materials combusted or processed, operating rates, hours of operation or the application of air pollution control equipment shall be used in determining the annual potential. Secondary emissions do not count in determining annual potential.
Potroom means a building unit which houses a group of electrolytic cells in which aluminum is produced.
Potroom group means an uncontrolled potroom, a potroom which is controlled individually, or a group of potrooms or potroom segments ducted to a common or similar control system.
PPMV means, for medical waste and solid waste incinerators, parts per million by dry volume. For sewage sludge and industrial waste incinerators, PPMV means parts per million by volume corrected to seven percent oxygen.
Primary aluminum reduction installation means any facility manufacturing aluminum by electrolytic reduction of alumina.
Primer means the first surface coating applied to the surface.
Primer-surfacer means the surface coatings applied over the primer and beneath the topcoat.
Premises means a lot, plot or parcel of land, the improvements thereon and the ambient air above such land or improvements.
Process means any reaction, operation, treatment or any other method or form of manufacturing or processing, including the equipment used in connection therewith, that may emit any air contaminant.
Process weight means the total weight of all materials introduced into a source operation, including solid fuels, but excluding liquids and gases used solely as fuels, and excluding air introduced for purposes of combustion.
Production equipment exhaust system means a device for collecting and directing out of the work area fugitive emissions from reactor openings, centrifuge openings, and other vessel openings and equipment for the purpose of protecting workers from excessive exposure.
Publication rotogravure printing means rotogravure printing upon paper which is subsequently formed into books, magazines, catalogues, brochures, directories, newspaper supplements, and other types of printed materials.
Pushing operation means the process of removing coke from the coke oven. The coke pushing operation begins when the coke-side oven door is removed and is completed when the hot car enters the quench tower and the coke-side oven door is replaced.
Reactor means a vat or vessel designed to contain chemical reactions, which may be jacketed to permit temperature control.
Reconstruction means where the fixed capital cost of the new components exceeds 50 percent of the fixed capital cost of a comparable entirely new source operation or installation, the use of an alternative fuel or raw material by reason of an order in effect under Sections 2(a) and of the Energy Supply add Environmental Coordination Act of 1974, by reason of natural gas curtailment plan in effect pursuant to the Federal Power Act, or by reason of an order or rule under Section 125 of the Clean Air Act, shall not be considered reconstruction. In determining whether a reconstruction will occur, the provisions of 40 CFR 60.15, December 1, 1979, shall be considered by the director.
Refinery fuel gas means any gas which is generated by a petroleum refinery process unit and which is combusted, including any gaseous mixture of natural gas and fuel gas.
Refuse means garbage, rubbish, trade wastes, leaves, salvageable material, agricultural wastes or other wastes.
Regulated air pollutant means all air pollutants or precursors for which any standard has been promulgated.
Regulated asbestos-containing material (RACM) means one of the following:
Friable asbestos material;
Category I nonfriable ACM that has become friable;
Category I nonfriable ACM that will be or has been subjected to sanding, grinding, cutting or abrading; or
Category II nonfriable ACM that has a high probability of becoming or has become crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by forces expected to act on the material in the course of demolition or renovation operations regulated by this Code.
Regulated pollutant means any regulated air pollutant except carbon monoxide and pollutants regulated exclusively under Section 112(r) or Title VI of the Act.
Reid vapor pressure (RVP) means the absolute vapor pressure of a petroleum liquid as determined by "Tests for Determining Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) of Gasoline and Gasoline—Oxygenate Blends" 40 CFR Part 80, Appendix E as in effect July 1, 1990.
Renewal means the process by which a permit is reissued at the end of its term.
Repair means the restoration of asbestos material that has been damaged. Repair consists of the application of rewettable glass cloth, canvas, cement or other suitable material. It may also involve filling damaged areas with nonasbestos substitutes reencapsulating or painting previously encapsulated materials.
Residual fuel oil means the fuel oil variously known as Bunker C, PS 400 and Number 6 as defined in ASTM D(396-487) (1959).
Responsible official means one of the following:
The president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of a corporation in charge of a principal business function or any other person who performs similar policy and decision-making functions for the corporation, or a duly authorized representative of such person if the representative is responsible for the overall operation of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities applying for or subject to a permit and either:
The facilities employ more than 250 persons or have a gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding $25,000,000.00 (in second quarter 1980 dollars); or
The delegation of authority to such a representative is approved in advance by the permitting authority;
A general partner in a partnership or the proprietor in a sole proprietorship;
Either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official in a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency. For the purpose of this part a principal executive officer of a federal agency includes the chief executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency; or
The designated representative of an affected source in so far as actions, standards, requirements, or prohibitions under Title IV of the Act or the regulations promulgated thereunder are concerned, and the designated representative for any other purposes under part 70.
Retail outlet means any establishment where gasoline is sold, offered for sale or used as a motor vehicle fuel.
Ringelmann Chart means the Ringelmann's Scale for Grading the Density of Smoke as published in U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8333.
Road-mix means an asphalt course produced by mixing mineral aggregate and cutback or emulsified asphalt at the road site by means of travel plants, motor graders, drags or special road-mixing equipment.
Roll printing means the application of words, designs and pictures to a substrate usually by means of a series of hard rubber or steel rolls, each with only partial coverage.
Roller spreader means the device used for the application of a coating material to a substrate by means of hard rubber or steel rolls.
Rotogravure printing means the printing of words, designs and pictures on a web by means of a roll-printing technique which involves an intaglio or recessed image areas in the form of cells.
Salvage operation means any business, trade, industry or other activity conducted in whole or in part for the purpose of salvaging or reclaiming any product or material.
Sealing material means a liquid substance that does not contain asbestos which is used to cover a surface that has previously been coated with a friable asbestos-containing material for the intended purpose of preventing any asbestos fibers remaining on the surface from being disbursed into the air. This substance shall be distinguishable from the surface to which it is applied.
Secondary emissions means the emissions which occur or would occur as a result of the construction or operation of an installation or major modification but do not come from the installation or major modification itself. Secondary emissions must be specific, well-defined, quantifiable and impact the same general area as the installation or modification which causes the secondary emissions. Secondary emissions may include but are not limited to:
Emissions from trucks, ships or trains coming to or from the installation or modification; and
Emissions from any off-site support source which would not be constructed or increase its emissions except as a result of the construction or operation of the major stationary source or major modification.
Sewage sludge incinerator means any incinerator used to reduce the quantity of sewage sludge.
Sheet basecoat means the roll coated primary interior surface coating applied to surfaces for the basic protection of buffering filling material from the metal can surface.
Shower room means a room between the clean room and the equipment room in the work decontamination enclosure. This room shall be equipped with running hot and cold water that is suitably arranged for complete showering during decontamination.
Shutdown means the cessation of operation of any air pollution control equipment or process equipment, except the routine phasing out of process equipment.
Side seam coating (three-piece) means a can surface coating to seal the connecting edge of a formed metal sheet in the manufacture of a three-piece can.
Significant means a net emissions increase or potential to emit at a rate equal to or exceeding the de minimis levels (see definition of same, above), or any emissions rate or any net emissions increase associated with an installation subject to 10 CSR 10-6.060 which would be constructed within ten kilometers of a Class I area and have an air quality impact on the area equal to or greater than one ug/m (24-hour average)
Smoke means the small gas-borne particles resulting from combustion, consisting of carbon, ash and other material.
Solvent means the organic materials which are liquid at standard conditions and which are used as dissolvers, viscosity reducers or cleaning agents.
Solvent metal cleaning means the process of cleaning soils from metal surfaces by cold cleaning or open-top vapor degreasing or conveyorized degreasing.
Solvent volatility means the Reid vapor pressure of the solvent.
Source means any process, device, apparatus or operation which emits or may emit any air contaminant.
Source operation. See "Emission unit."
Stack means any point in an installation designed to emit air contaminants into ambient air.
Stack in existence means that the over or operator had:
Begun or caused to begin, a continuous program of physical on-site construction of the stack; or
Entered into binding agreements or contractual operations, which could not be concealed or modified without substantial loss to the owner or operator, to undertake a program of construction of the stack to be completed in a reasonable time.
Standard conditions means a gas temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and a gas pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute (psia).
Startup means the setting into operation of any air pollution control equipment or process equipment, except the routine phasing in of process equipment.
State means any non-federal permitting authority, including any local agency, interstate association, or statewide program. When clear from its context, "state" shall have its conventional territorial definition.
State implementation plan means a series of plans adopted by the Missouri Air Conservation Commission, submitted by the director of the state department of natural resources, and approved by the administrator, detailing methods and procedures to be used in attaining and maintaining the ambient air quality standards in Missouri.
Storage tank means any tank, reservoir or vessel which is a container for liquids or gases, no manufacturing process or part of it, takes place.
Structural item means roofs, walls, ceiling, floors, structural supports, pipes, ducts, fittings and fixtures that have been installed as an integral part of any structure.
Submerged fill pipe means any fill pipe the discharge opening of which is entirely submerged when the liquid level is six inches above the bottom of the tank. "Submerged fill pipe" when applied to a tank which is loaded from the side is defined as any fill pipe the discharge opening of which is entirely submerged when the liquid level is 18 inches or twice the diameter of the fill pipe, whichever is greater, above the bottom of the tank.
Synthesized pharmaceutical manufacturing means manufacture of pharmaceutical products by chemical synthesis.
Temporary installation means an installation which operates or emits pollutants less than two years.
Third party monitoring means air monitoring conducted in accordance with RSMo ch. 643, and 10 CSR 10-6.240 and 10 CSR 10-6.250 by a person who is not under the direct control of the person carrying out the asbestos abatement project and who has been selected by the owner or operator of the property on which the project is conducted.
Title I modification means any modification that requires a permit under 10 CSR 10-6.060 Section (7) or (8), or that is subject to any requirement under 10 CSR 10-6.070 or 10 CSR 10-6.080.
Topcoat means the surface coatings applied for the purpose of establishing the color and/or protective surface, including ground coat and paint sealer materials, base coat and clear coat.
Total fluoride means the elemental fluorine and all fluoride compounds as measured by reference methods specified in 10 CSR 10-6.030(12) or equivalent or alternative methods.
Trade waste means the solid, liquid or gaseous material resulting from construction or the pursuit of any business, trade or industry, or any demolition operation, including but not limited to plastics, cardboard cartons, grease, oil, chemicals or cinders.
Transfer efficiency (TE) means the ratio of the amount of coating solids transferred onto a product to the total of coating solids used. In any surface coating operation, TE is the ratio of solids in a coating that adhere on a target surface to the total solids used in the process for coating the target surface.
True vapor pressure means the equilibrium partial pressure exerted by a petroleum liquid as determined in American Petroleum Institute Bulletin 2517, Evaporation Loss from Floating Roof Tanks, 1962.
Uncombined water means the visible condensed water which is not bound, physically or chemically, to any air contaminant.
Unit means a fossil fuel-fired combustion device.
Unit turnaround means the procedure of shutting a refinery process unit down to do necessary maintenance and repair work and putting the unit back on stream.
Unit walk through monitoring means the system for monitoring volatile organic hydrocarbons which utilizes a portable hydrocarbon monitor to measure ambient hydrocarbon levels in the areas of all process equipment.
Vacuum producing system means any reciprocating, rotary or centrifugal blower or compressor or any jet ejector device that takes suction from a pressure below atmospheric on a system containing volatile hydrocarbons.
Vapor-mounted seal means a primary seal mounted so there is an annular vapor space underneath the seal. The annular vapor space is bounded by the bottom of the primary seal, the tank wall, the liquid surface, and the floating roof.
Vapor recovery system means a vapor gathering system capable of collecting the hydrocarbon vapors and gases discharged and a vapor disposal system capable of processing such hydrocarbon vapors and gases so as to limit their emission to the atmosphere.
Vapor tight means the capability of a delivery vessel or vapor recovery system to sustain a pressure change of no more than 750 pascals (three inches of H 2 O) in five minutes when pressurized to a gauge pressure of 4,500 pascals (18 inches of H 2 O) or evacuated to a gauge pressure of 1,500 pascals (six inches of H 2 O).
Varnish means an unpigmented surface coating containing VOCs and composed of resins, thinners and driers used to give a glossy surface to wood, metal, etc.
Vehicle means any mechanical device on wheels, designed primarily for use on streets, roads or highways, except those propelled or drawn by human or animal power or those used exclusively on fixed rails or tracks.
Vinyl coating means the application of a decorative or protective topcoat, or printing of vinyl coated fabric or vinyl sheet.
Visible emission means any discharge of an air contaminant into the atmosphere which is of such opacity as to obscure an observer's view to a degree greater than zero percent.
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) means, for all areas in Missouri, any compound of carbon and hydrogen that participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions to produce ozone. The following compounds will not be considered VOCs because of their known lack of participation in the atmospheric reactions to produce ozone:
1,1,1,-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform);
chlorodifluoroethane (HCFC1 42b);
chlorodifluoromethane (CFC-22);
chloropentafluoroethane (CFC-115);
chlorotetrafluoroethane (HCFC-124);
dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12);
dichlorofluoroethane (HCFC-14 1b);
dichlorotetrafluoroethane (CFC-114);
dichlorotrifluoroethane (HCFC-123);
methylene chloride;
pentafluoroethane (HFC-125);
tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134);
tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a);
trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11);
trichlorotrifluoroethane (CFC-113);
trifluoroethane (HFC-143a)
cyclic, branched, or linear, completely fluorinated alkanes;
cyclic, branched, or linear, completely fluorinated ethers with no saturations;
cyclic, branched, or linear, completely fluorinated
tertiary amines with no unsaturations;
and sulfur-containing perfluorocarbons with no unsaturations
and with sulfur bonds only to carbon and fluorine.
VOC may be measured by a reference method, an equivalent method, an alternative method or by procedures specified in either 10 CSR 10-6.030 or 40 CFR 60. However, these methods and procedures also may measure nonreactive compounds so an owner or operator must exclude these nonreactive compounds when determining compliance.
Waste generator means the business entity that is directly responsible for the supervision of activities that result in the accumulation of friable asbestos-containing materials.
Wastewater (oil/water) separator means any device which constitutes a primary treatment step for separation of free oil from oily waste waters, such as American Petroleum Institute (API) oil/water separator, etc., prior to further treatment of the waste water.
Waxy, heavy pour crude oil means a crude oil with a pour point of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or higher as determined by the ASTM Standard D(97-66), Test for Pour Point of Petroleum Oils.
Water base paint means a pigmented surface coating using water as a thinner and with the binder an oil-resin combination or a latex.
Wet cleaning means the process of using water or other liquid and a wet brush, mop, cloth, sponge or similar wet cleaning device to completely remove any residue of asbestos-containing materials from surfaces on which they may be located. This definition does not include the use of a wet vacuum cleaner.
Wetting agent means any chemical that is added to water to decrease its surface tension and allow it to spread more easily over or penetrate into friable asbestos-containing materials.
Work area means a specified room or physically isolated portion of a room, other than the space enclosed within a glove bag, in which friable asbestos-containing material is required to be handled in accordance with 10 CSR 10-6.240. The area is designated as a work area from the time that the room, or portion of it, is secured and access restrictions are in place. The area remains designated as a work area until the time that it has been cleaned in accordance with any requirements applicable to these operations.
(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 18.83; Ord. No. 34696, 4-26-68; Ord. No. 36539, 4-3-69; Ord. No. 41255, 6-9-72; Ord. No. 56726, 8-2-84; Ord. No. 960782, § A, 8-8-96)
Cross reference
Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-10.