§ 78-134. Bonds and insurance when relocation constructed by applicant.
Bonds. If the main relocation is constructed by the applicant, rather than the city, the applicant or the applicants agent, servant or employee, independent contractor, or such other persons, firm, partnership, corporation or association by whom such work is to be performed, shall file with the water services department:
A performance and maintenance bond in an amount equal to the estimated total cost of the project, conditioned that such work will be constructed and completed in accordance with the approved drawings and in accordance with the water services department's standard specifications and guaranteeing the work and maintenance of trenches for a period of three years from the date of acceptance of the work; and
A payment bond in an amount equal to the total estimated cost of the project, that shall be conditioned for the payment of any and all materials, incorporated, consumed or used in connection with the construction of such work, and all insurance premiums, both for compensation, and for all other kinds of insurance, said work, and for all labor performed in such work whether by subcontractor or otherwise.
Insurance. Before commencing work upon such project, the applicant or the applicants agent, servant or employee, independent contractor, or such other persons, firm, partnership, corporation or association by whom such work is to be performed, shall also file with the water services department a certificate of public liability insurance in favor of the City, conditioned to protect and save harmless the city from all claims for damages to property or injury to persons by reason of such construction work, and indemnifying the city on account of such claims or injuries, with the amount of the insurance to be approved by the water services department.
(Ord. No. 120551, § 1, 6-28-12)