§ 74-54. Establishment of the commission.  

Latest version.
  • That there be a tax increment financing commission of Kansas City, Missouri, (the "commission), on which the school district representatives, the county representatives and the taxing districts representative shall be appointed and serve as provided for by the Property Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act (the "Act") to consider for recommendation to the council approval of redevelopment plans and redevelopment projects, the designation of redevelopment areas within their specific jurisdictions, as well as all amendments thereto, and all other matters related to specific plans, projects, areas and amendments thereto, within their specific jurisdictions. While the members of the commission appointed by the mayor may give the school districts, the counties and the other taxing districts the option of either designating their school district representatives, the county representatives and taxing districts Representative for a term of a period of time or designating the terms of their school district representatives, county representatives and taxing districts representative to coincide with the commission's consideration of specific redevelopment plans, redevelopment projects and redevelopment areas within their specific jurisdictions, which terms shall then terminate upon the city's final approval of the corresponding redevelopment plan, redevelopment project or designation of a redevelopment area; the council recommends the members of the commission appointed by the mayor give such options to the appointing authority of the respective representatives. Such county representatives, school district representatives and taxing districts representative will serve on the commission to consider amendments to a redevelopment plan, redevelopment project or designation of redevelopment area within their specific jurisdictions.

(Ord. No. 100089, § 3, 1-28-10)