After one notice by publication in the newspaper doing the city printing not less
than ten days before the date of hearing, the city council, or a committee of the
council, shall hold a public hearing upon a proposal for off-street parking, at which
the director, the director of the city development department and the director of
finance shall be present, and shall disapprove or approve the proposal as formulated
or with such amendments as it may recommend. If the council approves the proposal
as presented or as it may desire the proposal to be modified, it shall adopt a resolution
instructing all departments concerned to present final ordinances to carry out the
(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 34.239; Ord. No. 41525, 10-20-72; Ord. No. 56381, 8-16-84;
Ord. No. 64308, 7-6-89)
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