§ 64-247. Railings along sidewalk.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Every owner and occupant of any house, building, lot or premises, in front or alongside of or adjoining which there is any sidewalk (and, in case of several persons occupying the same house or building, then the one occupying the first floor next to the sidewalk), shall cause to be erected and maintained and kept in good repair a good, substantial and sufficient railing or barrier on either side or both sides of such sidewalk where the sidewalk is, in the opinion of the director of public works, three feet or more above the level of the street or adjoining lot.


    Such railing or barrier shall be at least 2½ feet high, of good material, and shall be securely attached and fastened to such sidewalk with good and sufficient props and stays, and the work provided in this section to be done is hereby declared to be repairs of any such sidewalk, curbing or guttering.

(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 30.105)