§ 64-242. Construction or reconstruction in streetscape areas.  

Latest version.
  • In the area for which a streetscape plan, standard, or decorative project has been approved by ordinance, or where streetscape design standards have been approved by the director of public works or the director of parks and recreation (for boulevards or parkways), any sidewalk construction or reconstruction shall be done in accordance with the approved streetscape plan, standard, or project; except that, where the streetscape has not yet been installed at the location of the work, if the respective permitting authority, the director of city development or the director of parks and recreation, determines that separate construction of that part of the streetscape in accordance with the approved streetscape plan or standard, is not practical because the sidewalk area is too small, then the respective director may issue a permit for reconstruction using other materials.

(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 30.98.1; Ord. No. 911139, 10-31-91; Ord. No. 070063, § 1, 1-18-07)