§ 64-325. Same—Permitted wires above ground in downtown business district.
Latest version.
The director of public works shall have power to grant revocable permits to plant
distributing or can poles in the alleys within the district described in section 64-324, for the sole purpose of distributing wires to patrons within the block in which
it is proposed to plant such poles, and elsewhere where it is impossible or impracticable,
for short distances, to place wires underground; provided that all clock, burglar
alarm, commercial printer, night-watch and other messenger call box wires, carrying
currents of low tension, and not fastened or attached to poles or other fixtures placed
or set in the streets or other public places, within the limits named, shall be permitted
to remain overhead. All such wires shall be not less than 35 feet above the surface
and securely fastened; such wire or cable shall be covered throughout with insulation,
to be approved by the traffic engineer; and each wire shall be tagged with lead tags,
in such manner that it will be impossible to remove the tags without destroying the
wire or the fixtures to which it is attached, plainly marked with the owner's name.
(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 30.132)
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