Kansas City |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 64-323. Construction and maintenance standards; height of wires; marking of name of owner on poles.
All new metal and wood installations for the purpose of power, telephone, cable television and streetlights shall meet the current standards of ASTM and APWA standard specifications and design criteria adopted by the city, and standards and specifications in current use by the city. Whenever any pole, crossarm or fastening of wires has rotted or deteriorated so that the pole, crossarm or fastening shall constitute a source of danger to the public safety in the opinion of the director of public works or the board of parks and recreation commissioners, as the case may be, such pole, appurtenance or wire shall be put in a safe condition by the owner thereof. All underground and overhead cable installations for the purpose of power, telephone, cable television and streetlights shall meet the current standards set by the National Electrical Code (NEC), National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), ASTM and APWA standard specifications and design criteria adopted by the city, and standards and specifications in current use by the city.
Wires shall run at a height of not less than 18 feet from the grade of the street upon which the wires are erected, except that, whenever the director of public works or board of parks and recreation commissioners shall deem it necessary for the public safety or in the public interest, they may require the wires to be erected at a greater height.
Each pole shall be marked with the name of the owner in a conspicuous place.
(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 30.130)