§ 64-124. Standards for protecting excavations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    After opening an excavation, work shall continue at that excavation until all repairs, including final pavement restoration is complete. Any excavation left more than five days without activity may be refilled and patched by city forces and the cost billed to the applicant as stated in section 64-127 of this article. Any new excavation of a refilled excavation shall require a new excavation permit.


    All excavations shall be back filled and temporarily patched or plated while work is stopped. If circumstances do not allow back filling or plating, then the excavation shall be thoroughly protected with barricades and fencing to prevent entry to excavation.


    Any excavation left overnight on any street identified on the major street plan shall be completely covered with a steel plate. The plate shall be securely anchored, and all edges of the plate shall be beveled or ramped with hot mix asphaltic concrete. If weather prohibits the availability hot mix asphaltic concrete, cold mix may be used, provided it is maintained in a smooth and driveable condition. Any excavation left overnight on any residential street shall either be plated or back filled up to the surface of the street. The permittee shall be responsible for placing and maintaining all warning devices, proper barricades and lights required by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices in force on the date of the excavation until the excavation is back filled and resurfaced.

(Ord. No. 001685, § 1, 2-20-01)