§ 64-79. Payments from change of grade fund, and return of excess money to depositor.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever the director of records shall certify to the commissioner of accounts the correctness of any bill or item of expense in any change of grade proceeding, the director of finance shall draw a warrant for the amount thereof, payable to the person entitled thereto, out of the change of grade fund, which warrant shall be paid by the treasurer upon presentation, and the receipted bill shall be kept on file by the city clerk. Upon presentation to the director of finance of a certificate of the city clerk containing a statement of the various expenses incurred in any grade change proceeding, and that all such bills and expenses have been certified by him for payment, the director of finance shall draw a warrant to the person who made the deposit in such proceeding, or to his order, for the amount of money, if any, remaining, which warrant shall be paid in the usual manner provided for the payment of bills.

(Ord. No. 020878, § 1, 10-10-02)