Kansas City |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 64-43. Scope of complete streets applicability.
All transportation facilities owned by the city in the public right-of-way including but not limited to streets, bridges, and all other connecting sidewalks and pathways shall be designed, constructed, and operated to adhere to the intent of complete streets.
The city shall implement complete street elements within the general scope of roadway maintenance projects, which are not considered as major maintenance, and at no significant additional costs.
The city shall incorporate complete street elements and principles into public strategic plans, capital improvement plans, design standards, manuals, rules, regulations, and programs.
The city shall coordinate with, and enforce when applicable, the state, counties, public transportation providers, and neighboring jurisdictions to ensure that streets, bridges, and all other sidewalks and pathways connecting to other jurisdictions comply with the intent of complete streets. School districts, community improvement districts, and other special taxing districts shall comply with this complete streets article to ensure that streets, bridges, and all other connecting sidewalks and pathways not owned by the city but which are within the city limits comply with the intent of complete streets.
Private developments shall accommodate multimodal connections in accordance with chapter 88, Code of Ordinance.
The city shall approach every transportation improvement and project phase as an opportunity to create safer, more accessible streets for users. These phases include, but are not limited to programming, studies, pre-design, design, right-of-way acquisition, construction, construction engineering, reconstruction, operation, and major maintenance.
The city shall include any improvements recommended by the Bike KC Plan and Trails KC Plan during all transportation improvements and project phases including but not limited to programming, studies, pre-design, design, right-of-way acquisition, construction, construction engineering, reconstruction, operations and major maintenance.
All new or geometrically redesigned intersections shall be built with sufficient widths for safe bicycle and pedestrian use including crosswalks and appropriate pedestrian signalization equipment The design of crosswalks and appropriate pedestrian signalization will be included even where sidewalks or bicycle accommodations are not available on the approach roadway so as to provide for safe crossings until such time that the approach streets are upgraded in accordance with this policy.
Any new bridge or rehabilitated bridge that is likely to remain in place for 25 years or longer shall be designed and built with the intent to accommodate sufficient widths for safe bicycle facilities as identified on public strategic plans and pedestrian use. Bridges, viaducts, overpasses, and underpasses shall be designed and built with a sidewalk. Bridges, viaducts, overpasses, and underpasses shall be designed and built with facilities recommended in the adopted. Sidewalks and bike facilities as identified in the Bike KC plan and Trails KC plan shall be included regardless of the presence of such facilities on the approach roadway.
(Ord. No. 170949 , § 1, 12-14-17)