§ 62-2. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in articles I and II of this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended:
Bulky items. Items to be discarded, common to a household, which weigh more than 40 pounds or have a combined dimension of length, plus width, plus height that exceeds 100 inches.
City. The City of Kansas City, Missouri.
Clustered multifamily housing. A grouping of two or more buildings under common ownership or management, containing at least one dwelling unit per building, designed or constructed in planned groupings or arrangements, and providing common facilities or services.
Collection. Removal and transportation of refuse from its place of storage to its place of processing or permanent disposal.
Contaminants. Material(s) that cause refuse, recycling, leaves and brush, and/or bulky to become inferior or impure for collection by the admixture.
Director. The director of public works, or his authorized representative.
Disposal. Placing refuse in its final repository.
Dwelling unit. Any room or group of rooms located within a dwelling, and forming a single habitable unit, with facilities which are used, or are intended to be used, for living, sleeping, cooking and eating.
Eligible dwelling unit. Any dwelling unit to which City-provided refuse collection and disposal services are extended as provided in section 62-41(a).
Garbage. Putrescible animal or vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, serving or consumption of food.
Hazardous materials. Materials that, by law, are banned from local landfills and/or from curbside collection.
Leaves and brush. Organic, compostable materials, excluding grass clippings, generated from residential property within the city.
Non-disposable refuse container. A leak proof receptacle manufactured and intended for reuse, used to store refuse between collections.
Occupant. Any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others, shall be in actual possession of any dwelling unit or of any other improved real property, either as owner, or as a tenant, either with or without the consent of the owner thereof.
Open storage or openly stored. Keeping, maintaining or storing refuse from the time of its production until the time of its collection on premises outside of any building.
Owner. Any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others, shall be in actual possession of, or have charge, care or control of, any dwelling unit or of any other improved real property, as title holder, as employee or agent of the title holder, or as trustee or guardian of the estate or person of the title holder.
Recyclable materials. Refuse materials that have been diverted from the refuse stream and conventional disposal and that are of such a nature that they may be reprocessed or remanufactured for secondary use.
Recycling container. A non-disposable receptacle (KC Recycles bin) provided or made available for purchase by the city for the purpose of storing recyclable materials during the interval between collections and placing the same curbside for city-provided collection, if applicable.
Refuse. Unwanted or discarded waste materials in a solid or semi liquid state, consisting of garbage, rubbish, or a combination thereof.
Rubbish. Nonputrescible waste materials, both combustible and noncombustible.
(Ord. No. 090053, § 1, 2-12-09)