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Code of Ordinances |
§ 60-132. Additional pretreatment measures.
Whenever deemed necessary, the director may require an industrial user to restrict its discharge during peak flow periods, to discharge certain wastewaters only into specific sewers, to relocate and/or consolidate points of discharge, to separate sanitary wastewater from industrial wastestreams, and to perform and maintain such other conditions as may be necessary to protect the POTW and determine the industrial user's compliance with the requirements of this article.
When deemed necessary to protect the POTW, worker health and safety or otherwise prevent interference or pass through, the director may require an industrial user to maintain, at its facility and at its expense, a suitable storage and flow control facility to ensure equalization of flow over a 24-hour period. Such facility shall have a capacity for at least 150 percent of the daily discharge volume and shall be equipped with alarms and a discharge rate controller, the regulation of which shall be specified by the director. A wastewater discharge permit may be issued solely to require flow equalization.
Oil, grease and grit interceptors shall be provided when, in the opinion of the director, they are necessary for the proper handling of wastewater containing excessive amounts of oil and grease, or grit; except that such interceptors shall not be required for residential users. All interception units shall be of a type and capacity approved by the director and shall be so located as to be easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Such interceptors shall be inspected, cleaned, and repaired regularly, as needed, by the industrial user at its expense.
Any person who may discharge wastes which are unusual in composition, including, but not limited to, those wastes that contain an extremely large amount of suspended solids or BOD, high concentrations of dissolved solids such as sodium chloride, calcium chloride, or sodium sulfate, or contain substances conducive to creating tastes or odors in drinking water supplies or could otherwise cause such waters to be unpalatable even after conventional water purification treatment, or wastes which are in any other way unusual, shall notify the director who may determine whether such wastes shall be prohibited from or may be admitted to the POTW or shall be pretreated before being discharged.
(Ord. No. 120551, § 1, 6-28-12)