§ 60-121. Wastes prohibited in sewers.  

Latest version.
  • No person shall cause, permit, or allow discharge to the POTW of the following materials, substances, or wastes:


    Any solid, liquid or gas which by reason of its nature and/or quantity creates a fire or explosive hazard in the POTW including, but not limited to, wastestreams with a closed cup flashpoint less than or equal to 150 degrees Fahrenheit using the test method specified in 40 CFR 261.21.


    Any wastewater having a pH less than 6.0 or greater than 11.0.


    Any garbage except properly shredded garbage.


    Any solid or viscous materials in amounts or concentrations which cause obstruction of the flow in the POTW, or solids greater than one-half inch in any dimension. Examples of such materials include, but are not limited to, ashes, wax, paraffin, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, lint, feathers, tars, plastics, wood and sawdust, grass clippings, paunch manure, hair and fleshings, entrails, lime slurries, beer and distillery slops, grain processing wastes, grinding compounds, acetylene generation sludge, chemical residues, asphalt residues, acid residues, residues from refining or processing fuel or lubricating oil, and food processing bulk solids.


    Any oil and grease of animal or vegetable origin in excess of 150 mg/l.


    Any petroleum oil, nonbiodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin, in amounts that will cause interference or pass through.


    Any corrosive, noxious or malodorous material or substance which, either singly or by reaction with other wastes, is capable of causing damage to the POTW or creating a public nuisance or hazard, or preventing entry into the POTW's facilities for maintenance and repair.


    Any concentrated dyes or other materials which are either highly colored or could become highly colored by reacting with other discharges.


    Any material or substance not specifically mentioned in this section which is in itself corrosive, irritating to human beings or animals, toxic or noxious, or which by interaction with other wastes could produce undesirable effects, including deleterious action on the POTW's facilities or operations, hazards to humans or animals, or adverse effect(s) upon the receiving stream.


    Any sludges, screenings, or other residues from the pretreatment of industrial wastes.


    Any medical wastes, except as specifically authorized by the director.


    Any wastewater having a temperature greater than 150 degrees Fahrenheit or which will inhibit biological activity in the POTW or which will cause the temperature at the treatment plant influent to exceed 104 degrees Fahrenheit.


    Any septic tank sludge or any other trucked or hauled pollutants, except at discharge points designated by the director in accordance with section 60-125.


    Any wastewater containing any radioactive waste or isotopes except as specifically approved by the director in compliance with applicable state and federal statutes and regulations.


    Any stormwater, surface water, ground water, artesian well water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, condensate, deionized water, noncontact cooling water, or unpolluted industrial wastewater unless authorized by the director.


    Any material or combination of materials which results in the presence of toxic gases, vapors or fumes within the POTW in a quantity that may cause worker health and/or safety problems.


    Any discharge containing detergents, surface active agents, or other substances which cause excessive foaming in the POTW.


    Any discharge which alone or in combination with other discharges causes pass through or interference. A discharge may not be considered to have caused pass through or interference if it was otherwise in compliance with this article and any wastewater discharge permit issued hereunder.


    Any discharge which contains any of the following substances in excess of the following daily maximum and/or instantaneous maximum total concentrations. These restrictions apply at the point where the wastewater is discharged to the POTW:

    Arsenic* 1.80 mg/l

    Benzene 0.50 mg/l

    Cadmium* 1.00 mg/l

    Chromium* 5.00 mg/l

    Copper* 5.10 mg/l

    Cyanide* 2.00 mg/l

    Ethylbenzene 1.00 mg/l

    Lead* 5.00 mg/l

    Mercury* 0.05 mg/l

    Nickel* 20.00 mg/l

    Phenols 5.00 mg/l

    Silver* 5.00 mg/l

    Toluene 1.00 mg/l

    Xylene 1.00 mg/l

    Zinc 10.10 mg/l

    PCB's 0.01 mg/l

    Total toxic organics (TTOs) as defined by 40 CFR 433.11(e) shall not exceed 5.0 mg/l at any time.

    *All other provisions of this article notwithstanding, no industrial user shall discharge this pollutant in an amount exceeding five percent of the average daily loading (in pounds per day) of this pollutant at the receiving WWTP without the express written consent of the director.


    Any discharge or effluent which violates the limitations imposed by a wastewater discharge permit issued under the provisions of this article, or categorical standard, including equivalent concentration limits based on a mass or production-based categorical standard and concentration limits derived in accordance with the combined wastestream formula.

(Ord. No. 120551, § 1, 6-28-12)