§ 56-497. Change of registered agent.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The owner may terminate the designation of a registered agent under this article at any time by filing with the director notice of such termination. A qualified successor shall be designated by the owner within ten days after notice of such termination, and the owner shall file within the same time a new registration statement designating the successor registered agent.


    The registered agent may terminate the agency by filing with the director a copy of the written termination notice on the owner. Such termination shall not become effective until ten days after the filing of such notice with the director. The termination notice shall set forth the identification of the premises and the name and address of the owner, together with an affidavit or proof of service upon the owner. Service of such termination notice upon the owner may be made by delivery of a copy personally to the owner, or any partner if the owner is a partnership, or by registered mail to the address of any owner, principal or partner as set forth in the registration statement. Prior to the effective termination date, the owner shall file with the director a registration statement designating a qualified successor.


    If the designation of a registered agent shall cease to be effective as a result of death or judicial declaration of incompetence of the agent or the agent's removal from the city, the owner shall file a new registration statement with the director within ten days thereafter designating a qualified successor.


    If an owner fails to designate a registered agent or replace a registered agent whose agency has terminated, the owner shall be deemed to have appointed the director as his agent to accept service of any notice, order or summons issued because of a violation of this chapter. The director shall thereupon mail a copy of such notice, order or summons by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the owner and post a copy of such notice, order or summons in or about the premises described in the notice, order or summons.

(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 20.118; Ord. No. 55157, 6-10-83; Ord. No. 56567, 6-14-84)