§ 56-357. Implementation of certificate of compliance program.  

Latest version.
  • It is recognized that the incremental expansion of this program is required for administrative efficiency, effectiveness and economy. It is further recognized that even though it is not possible to implement the certificate of compliance program citywide at this time, it is in the best interest of the city as a whole to implement it first in those areas of the city that will gain the most benefit from its implementation. This program shall initially become effective in as large an area of the city as the resources dedicated to the implementation of the program will allow. Additional areas will be added as the resources dedicated to its enforcement permit. The director, from time to time, based upon the resources available, will recommend to the city council the area(s) in which this program is to be effective. Upon approval by city council, the program shall be implemented in that area. Areas recommended to the city council shall be those areas which best meet the following criteria:


    Thirty percent or more of the housing units in the target area are rental housing units.


    There is a basically sound but declining housing inventory that exhibits substantial deterioration but little dilapidation.


    There is demonstrated neighborhood resident interest in and support for the program and for the initiation of systematic housing inspections.

(Ord. No. 071046, § 1, 10-18-07)