§ 56-352. Annual registration of rental dwellings required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    This subdivision shall apply to all rental dwellings, as defined in this chapter, including dwellings owned, operated, or subsidized by public or nonprofit agencies. Effective January 1, 2008, the annual rental dwelling registration requirement established by this subdivision shall go into effect.


    The owner of any rental dwelling as defined in this chapter shall register such dwelling annually with the department. It shall be a violation of this code for any person or entity to fail to register any rental units regulated by this chapter. If a complex of rental dwellings on the same lot or property is under common ownership, the entire complex shall be considered to be the equivalent of a single rental dwelling for purposes of registration.


    Prior to February 1, 2008 the owner of each rental dwelling shall make written application to the director for registration of such dwelling. There shall be no fee charged for this registration. After January 31, 2008 no person or entity shall allow to be occupied, or let to another for occupancy, any rental unit unless the unit has been registered as provided for in this article.


    All registrations issued under this article shall expire on December 31 of each year and shall be subject to renewal annually. Application for renewal of registration in any year will be accepted beginning January 1 and may be made without penalty through January 31.


    All owners shall apply for registration and renewal on a form provided by the department which shall include provision for the following owner, agent and other information:


    The common name of the property, if any, and exact street address of each dwelling to be registered and the number of dwelling units in the dwelling.


    An identification of the owner(s) by full name, telephone number, mailing address, e-mail address and date of birth. If the property is owned by a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, trust or real estate investment trust, the name and address of any of the following shall be provided:


    For a corporation, a corporate officer and the chief operating officer;


    For a partnership, the managing partner;


    For a limited liability company, the managing or administrative member;


    For a limited partnership, a general partner;


    For a trust, a trustee; or


    For a real estate investment trust, a general partner or an officer.


    If the owner does not reside within the city, he or she shall designate a local agent who shall be authorized to receive on behalf of the owner service of any notice, order or summons issued because of a violation of this code. Such agent must be an individual over the age of 18 years and must reside within the city or customarily and regularly attend a business office located within the city. A partner, associate or corporate principal who meets these qualifications may be designated and registered as the agent. All official notices may be served on the responsible local agent and any notice so served shall be deemed to have been served upon the owner of record.


    The full name, telephone number, mailing address and email address of an agent, if one is so designated by the owner, to schedule inspections and receive service of any notice, order or summons issued because of a violation of this code.


    The names, addresses, and phone numbers of designated employees or authorized representatives who may be contacted in the event of an emergency.


    The signatures of the owner, an officer if the owner is a corporation, a partner if the owner is a partnership, a member if the owner is a limited liability company and the registered agent if so designated. A registered agents signature shall indicate consent to the designation.


    The name, street address and telephone number for any buyer on a contract for deed, if one shall exist.


    The name, mailing address, telephone number and email address for the person or entity, whether it be the owner, tenant, manager or agent, responsible for maintenance of the yard and grounds, including but not limited to trash pickup and lawn maintenance.


    A rental unit certificate of compliance as described elsewhere in this division shall not be issued if the registration provisions of this subdivision are not complied with.


    The owner of a newly constructed rental dwelling or of any dwelling newly converted to a rental dwelling shall register the rental dwelling prior to allowing occupancy of any new rental units. There shall be no charge for the initial registration provided that the application is made within 30 days following the date of a certificate of occupancy for the property.


    No person or entity shall rent, let, lease or otherwise allow the occupancy of any dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit unless the property has been registered as above provided.

(Ord. No. 071046, § 1, 10-18-07)