§ 50-233. Hours of employment.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A child under 16 years of age shall not be employed, permitted or suffered to work at any gainful occupation for more than eight hours in any day or more than six days or 40 hours in any week, or before the hour of 7:00 a.m. or after the hour of 10:00 p.m.


    During a school term a child under 16 years of age shall not be employed, permitted or suffered to work at any gainful occupation after the hour of 7:00 p.m. on days immediately preceding days when school is in session; except that this subsection does not apply to those children who have been permanently excused from school under the provisions of RSMo ch. 167.

(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 26.131)

State law reference

Similar provisions, RSMo 294.030.

Cross reference

Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations, ch. 40.