§ 50-101. Loitering or trespassing on school property.
§ 50-102. Trespass generally.
§ 50-103. Trespassing on golf courses, parks and trails.
§ 50-104. Occupation of reserved shelter houses.
§ 50-105. Obstructing watercourse.
§ 50-106. Stealing.
§ 50-107. Tenting without consent of landowner.
§ 50-108. Ticket scalping.
§ 50-109. Unlawful acts by landlords and tenants of residential premises.
§ 50-109.5. Duty of sellers and landlords to notify of flooding.
§ 50-110. Waste of material adaptable for fuel.
§ 50-111. Withholding property unlawfully.
§ 50-111.5. Receiving stolen property.
§ 50-112. Theft of cable television service.
§ 50-113. Failure to return or pay for C.O.D. purchases.
§ 50-114. Passing bad checks—Generally.
§ 50-115. Same—Penalty for tendering insufficient funds check or electronic funds transfer in payment of taxes, fees or other charges due city.
§ 50-116. Same—Effect of tendering insufficient funds check or electronic funds transfer in payment of taxes, fees or other charges due city.
§ 50-117. Alteration or removal of item numbers with intent to deprive lawful owner.
§ 50-118. Obtaining transportation on common carrier by violation of tariff.
§ 50-119. Obtaining transportation on common carrier without payment of fare.
§ 50-120. Theft of or tampering with utility equipment or utility service.
§ 50-121. Tampering with or damaging property of another.
§ 50-122. Protection of city-owned utilities from damage by excavation or other work.
§ 50-123. Placing bicycle, wheelbarrow or other vehicle on parks or boulevards.
§ 50-124. Institutional vandalism.
§ 50-125. Defacing property with aerosol paint and like materials.
§ 50-126. Gasoline pre-payment or pre-approval.
§ 50-127. Vandalism of vacant buildings and structures.
§ 50-128. Trespass at vacant building or property.
§§ 50-129—50-150. Reserved.