§ 50-13. Unauthorized distribution of trash tags or recycling bins.  

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  • (a)

    Trash tags defined. A trash tag is a tag issued by the city, either directly or through an authorized distributor, that when attached to a trash bag properly placed by a resident for pick-up by city-provided trash haulers will authorize pick-up of the trash bag, even though the bag is part of a group of more than two trash bags.


    Designated recycling bin defined. A designated recycling bin is a bin distributed by the city, either directly or through an authorized distributor, that is either provided free to a consumer through the city's distribution program or for a fee for subsequent bins desired by a consumer, but still through the city's distribution program, for use in the city's curbside recycling program.


    Authorized distributor. An authorized distributor is a business or other organization given written authority by the city to distribute trash tags or designated recycling bins at a specific price.


    Prohibition. It is unlawful to redistribute for sale a trash tag or designated recycling bins unless granted authority by the city.


    Exceptions. The redistribution of trash tags or designated recycling bins by neighborhood associations and other not for profit organizations at cost to their members is not prohibited. The redistribution of trash tags or designated recycling bins by family members or friends at no more than cost is not prohibited.


    Penalty. The first violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of $500.00. The second and subsequent violations of this section shall be punishable by a fine of $500.00 and up to six months imprisonment.

(Ord. No. 060699, § 1, 7-6-06)