§ 48-81. Final decision by hearing officer.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The hearing officer may not impose incarceration or any fine in excess of the amount allowed by the schedule of fines. Any fine or costs, or part of any fine or costs, remaining unpaid after the exhaustion of or the failure to exhaust judicial review procedures under chapter 536, RSMo, shall be a debt due and owing the city, and may be collected in accordance with applicable law.


    Any decision or judgment by the hearing officer will be enforced pursuant to the provisions of chapter 479, RSMo.


    Any final decision or disposition of a code violation by a hearing officer shall constitute a final determination for purposes of judicial review. Such determination is subject to review under chapter 536, RSMo, or, at the request of the defendant made within ten days, a trial de novo in the circuit court. After expiration of the judicial review period under Chapter 536, RSMo, unless stayed by a court of competent jurisdiction, the hearing officers decisions, findings, rules, and orders may be enforced in the same manner as a judgment entered by a court of competent jurisdiction. Upon being recorded in the manner required by state law or the uniform commercial code, a lien may be imposed on the real or personal property of any defendant entering a plea of nolo contendere, pleading guilty to, or found guilty or to be in violation of a municipal code violation in the amount of any debt due the city under this chapter and enforced in the same manner as a judgment lien under a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction.

(Ord. No. 070851, § 1, 9-6-07)