§ 48-73. Administrative citation fine for violation of chapter.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The administrative citation fine amount for a first violation under the provisions of this chapter shall be $100.00 and each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense for which the violator may be fined.


    The administrative citation fine for repeat violations of the same code provision by the same person at the same property within 12 months from the date of the first administrative citation shall be as set forth in the following schedule and each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense for which the violator may be fined.

    (1) First violation
    (2) Second violation Not less than $100.00 but not more than $300.00
    (3) Third violation Not less than $300.00 but not more than $500.00
    (4) Fourth and subsequent violations Not less than $500.00 but not more than $1,000.00



    Any administrative citation fine which is not paid on or before its due date shall accrue a one-time penalty in an amount equal to the original administrative citation fine. Said penalty shall be collected in the same manner as the underlying fine.


    The director may waive a portion of the amount of administrative citation fines that have accumulated as a result of non-compliance with this code provided that the owner has properly registered the property and there are no other violations of chapter 56 or chapter 48 remaining on the property in question. In determining the amount to be waived, the director shall follow these guidelines:


    Waiving an amount equal to documented expenditures by the owner for repairs to the building, or for demolition.


    Waiving all but the amount required for demolition if the building is determined to be not feasible to repair and the owner chooses to have the city demolish it.


    Waiving all fines charged to an owner who vacated the property after receiving a notice of foreclosure.


    Waiving all fines if the property is donated to a local community development corporation or non-profit corporation that is willing to accept the property and presents written plans to correct existing code violations with a schedule acceptable to the director.


    Except for (3) above, no fines can be waived if there are unpaid special assessments pending against the property.

(Ord. No. 070851, § 1, 9-6-07; Ord. No. 090258, § 1, 4-16-09; Ord. No. 110044, § 2, 2-24-11)