Kansas City |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 48. NUISANCES |
§ 48-25. Litter, trash, refuse or rubbish on public or private property.
The following waste materials upon any premises or any public right-of-way adjoining such premises are hereby declared to constitute a nuisance.
All ashes, cinders, slops, filth, excrement, boards, sawdust, wood or metal shavings, rubber, old tires, discarded plastic containers or wrappers, stones, rocks, sand, oil, coal, gasoline, paint, dirt, dust, straw, soot, sticks, lumber scraps, boxes, barrels, kegs, crates, cans, bottles, cartons, paper, trash, leavings, rubbish, manure, brush, logs, broken ware, rags, iron or other metal, old wearing apparel, sweepings, refuse, debris, vehicle parts, broken concrete, slag, garbage, offal, putrid fish, meat entrails, decayed fruits or vegetables, wastewater, animal or vegetable products or matter, dead animals, broken glass, bones, tacks, nails, wire, grass, leaves, brush, weeds, foliage or shrub cuttings or clippings, or any other unwanted or discarded substance or thing, except when any of these items are:
Allowed and used in a licensed recycling or salvage facility holding a valid permit under the Code of Ordinances of Kansas City, Missouri; and
Stored in such a manner that they do not provide bedding or shelter for rats or a breeding area for insects.
Grass, leaves, chipped brush, weeds, chipped foliage or shrub cuttings or clippings, unharvested vegetable waste grown on the premises in more than three organized composting bins, or in organized windrows, greater than 150 square feet in total area and more than 49 inches in height on residential premises less than one acre in size, or 150 square feet in total area and more than 49 inches in height per acre on residential premises greater than one acre in size. The height and area restrictions do not apply to composting bins or windrows on nonresidential premises. No composting bin or windrow shall be constructed or maintained in such a manner or condition as to emit noxious odor, provide bedding or shelter for rats or other pests, or be in violation of other provisions of the Code. On residential premises, composting bins and windrows shall only be located within the back yard. For purposes of this section, the back yard is defined as the area bounded by the back line of the parcel boundary and rear wall of the dwelling extending to the side parcel boundaries.
(Ord. No. 971346, § 1, 10-2-97; Ord. No. 981393, § 1, 12-17-98; Ord. No. 160608 , § 1, 8-18-16)