§ 44-2. Escapes, walkaways and failures to return; introduction of contraband; trespassing; interference with superintendent or subordinates.
Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the meanings given in this subsection:
Escape means the unauthorized departure of a prisoner, in lawful custody, from a correctional facility compound, or in transit to the compound.
Walkaways and failure to return mean the unauthorized departure of a prisoner from any supervised or unsupervised assignment outside the correctional facility, or failure to return from any authorized absence from the correctional facility, i.e., work release, hospital visit and outside work activity.
Contraband means alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, weapons knives or other items forbidden on premises by a correctional facility rules and regulations.
If any person, in lawful custody, shall escape, walk away, fail to return, or attempt to escape, walk away or fail to return, it shall be deemed prima facie evidence of an ordinance violation.
If any person shall assist, or attempt to assist, the escape, walk away or failure to return of a prisoner, in lawful custody, shall be prima facie evidence of an ordinance violation and may be arrested without warrant by the manager of the correctional facility or his subordinates.
If any person shall introduce, or attempt to introduce, contraband into a correctional facility, it shall be deemed prima fascia evidence of an ordinance violation.
(Ord. No. 090575, § 1, 7-16-09)