§ 34-606. Fire protection and safety.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All facilities shall comply with all local building codes, fire codes and ordinances.


    All lodging establishments shall provide suitable fire escapes which shall be kept in good repair and accessible at all time.


    Hallways shall be marked and exit lights hard wired with battery backup provided.


    No sleeping quarters shall be maintained in rooms which do not have unobstructed egress to the outside or to a central hall leading to a fire escape.


    Fuel-burning appliances shall be properly vented in accordance with the law.


    Housekeeping practices that ensure fire safety shall be maintained daily.


    Smoke detectors shall be installed in all sleeping rooms, cooking areas/kitchens, hallways, laundry rooms, mechanical rooms, hazardous areas and where specifically stated within this Code. Heat sensing devices may be installed in cooking areas in lieu of a smoke detector(s).


    All smoke detectors and heat sensing devices shall be hardwired with battery backup and shall be maintained in good operating condition.


    Smoke detectors shall be tested at least monthly or as needed to ensure they are operating properly and batteries shall be changed as needed.


    The regulatory authority may require the installation of additional smoke detectors at any time.


    Existing fire alarm systems and sprinkler systems shall be maintained in good working order.


    New lodging establishment requirements. In addition to meeting local, state and federal requirements, the regulatory authority has outlined minimum requirements for the maintenance of fire safety components:


    Smoke detectors and/or heat sensing devices shall be installed on the ceiling, preferably in the center, but no less than four inches from the wall of the sleeping area or on a sleeping room wall between four and 12 inches from the ceiling. All smoke detectors and/or heat sensing devices shall be hardwired and have battery backup.


    A fire alarm system shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the current National Fire Protection Association 72, National Fire Alarm Code or equivalent code and maintained in good working order except for either of the following: i) single story buildings with guest room doors that open directly to the outside at grade level or ii) buildings with no more than three occupiable stories and with no more than four guest rooms per building with guest room doors that lead directly outside at or to grade level.


    All buildings shall be protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with the most current National Fire Systems or the National Fire Protection Association 13R Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height or equivalent code.


    Bed and breakfasts and buildings with no more than three occupiable stories, where all guest rooms have a door that opens directly to the outside at or to grade level or to an exterior exit access are not required to be protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system.

(Ord. No. 140032 , § 4, 1-23-14)

Cross reference

Fire prevention and protection, ch. 26.