§ 34-291. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Director of finance means the director of finance or his authorized subordinate representative.

    Director of neighborhood and community services means the director of neighborhood and community services or his authorized subordinate representative.

    Noxious plants means any plant capable of poisoning, including but not limited to poison ivy, at any height or state of maturity.

    Occupant means any person who has a legal or equitable interest in a parcel of real property other than a fee interest, including a life tenant, tenant, lessee, tenant at will, tenant at sufferance or adverse possessor, as well as a person in possession or a person who has charge, care or control of the parcel of real property, as the agent or personal representative of the person holding legal title to a fee interest.

    Owner means any person who alone or jointly or severally with others shall have legal title to a fee interest in the parcel of real property, with or without accompanying actual possession thereof. The land records filed in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county within which the parcel of real property is located, and any other official record of each county or of the city, may be used to determine the identity of such owners, as defined in this subsection, as of the date of the notice of the violation.

    Parcel of real property means all property within the legal description for that lot, tract or parcel of land.

    Person means any individual, firm, corporation, association, partnership, cooperative or governmental agency.

    Rank weeds means thickets or any vegetation which may emit noxious odors or any vegetation which is 12 inches or more in height, including but not limited to grasses, and unattended growths of other plants, bushes and shrubbery. The term "rank weeds" shall not mean trees in excess of six feet in height, cultivated or attended trees less than six feet in height, or cultivated or attended plants, bushes or shrubbery.

    Thickets means dense growth of wild shrubbery, regardless of height, having stems or trunks less than four inches in diameter, and briar patches.

(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 18.170; Ord. No. 33627, 3-10-67; Ord. No. 39687, 6-4-71; Ord. No. 53642, 1-29-82; Ord. No. 55057, 5-6-83; Ord. No. 56566, 6-14-84; Ord. No. 63356, 12-15-88; Ord. No. 911173, 10-31-91)

Cross reference

Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-10.