§ 34-362. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Advanced life support unit means any vehicle staffed by a minimum of one paramedic and equipped to provide advanced life support care as defined by the medical director.

    Ambulance means any motor vehicle equipped with facilities to convey infirm or injured persons that requires transportation in a reclining position.

    Associate medical director means a licensed physician with some experience in emergency medicine who can fulfill all responsibilities of the medical director in their absence.

    Clinical privileges are the patient care activities as defined by the rules and regulations promulgated by the office of the medical director which authorizes individuals to participate in the EMS system.

    Emergency medical services coordinating committee (EMSCC) means a committee established by ordinance and with functions as set forth in this article.

    Emergency medical services (EMS) system means and includes all components and elements involved in the provision of emergency care in the pre-hospital environment. These elements shall include at a minimum all individuals and organized responders, both public and private, inclusive of all care levels from first responder to EMT-P.

    Emergency medical technician (EMT) means a person licensed by the state as an emergency medical technician and granted clinical privileges by the medical director as an EMT. There may be multiple levels of EMT clinical privileges.

    Emergency medical technician-basic (EMT-B or EMT-Basic) means a person licensed by the state as an emergency medical technician-basic as defined in RSMo ch. 190 as the same may be amended from time to time, and granted clinical privileges by the medical director as an emergency medical technician-basic.

    Emergency medical technician-intermediate (EMT-I or EMT-Intermediate) means a person licensed by the state as an emergency medical technician-intermediate as defined in RSMo ch. 190 as the same may be amended from time to time, and granted clinical privileges by the medical director as an emergency medical technician-intermediate.

    Emergency medical technician-paramedic (EMT-P or paramedic) means a person licensed by the state as an emergency medical technician-paramedic, as defined in RSMo ch. 190, as the same may be amended from time to time, and granted clinical privileges by the medical director as knowledgeable of and competent to perform advanced life support procedures and the medical protocols established by the medical director. There may be multiple levels of paramedic clinical privileges.

    Emergency physician advisory board (EPAB) means the board empowered to recommend to the medical director various standards for the operation and improvement of the EMS system.

    Emergency responder means any person or unit capable of providing the appropriate emergency care excluding the transport of patients, as evidenced by clinical privileges granted by the medical director as designated by regulation of the medical director and consistent with the provisions of this article.

    Helicopter rescue unit means any rotary wing aircraft providing basic or advanced emergency medical service and transportation as evidenced by current permit and designated by regulation of the medical director and consistent with the provisions of this article.

    Medical director shall be that person appointed in accordance with this article or his designee.

    Medical protocol means any diagnosis-specific or problem-oriented written statement of standard procedure, or algorithm, approved by the medical director as the normal standard of pre-hospital care for a given clinical condition.

    Mutual aid call means a request for emergency or non-emergency ambulance service issued by an ambulance dispatcher in one political jurisdiction to an ambulance dispatcher or ambulance crew normally operating in a neighboring jurisdiction with a state licensed ambulance system.

    Patient means any person who is (i) apparently ill, injured or otherwise incapacitated, bedridden or helpless and, (ii) who requires or requests emergency medical care or ambulance services or for whom emergency medical care or ambulance services are requested.

    Response time means the interval from the timestamp when the call taker enters the first keystroke in the computer aided dispatch (CAD) system to the CAD timestamp of unit on scene.

    Special event or scheduled mass gathering means any event or activity occurring within the city limits of the city where there is a likelihood of attendance at such event or activity exceeding 5,000 persons, or exceeding 1,000 persons in a venue where circumstances would indicate to the fire chief that EMS stand by coverage would be required on scene.

    Special use permit means a permit issued by the director of health to hospitals, and other institutions serving the public, for the provision of specialized mobile intensive care services.

    Substantiated risk of harm means findings of substantial risk of harm shall include, but not be limited to: failure to follow established medical protocols with resulting injury or death or significant medical possibility of injury or death, falsification or deliberate misrepresentation on clinical records or reports.

(Ord. No. 071380, § 1, 12-13-07; Ord. No. 100122, § 1, 2-25-10; Ord. No. 130557, § 1, 7-25-13 ; Ord. No. 130946, § 1, 12-19-13 )