§ 34-187. Notice to rat-stop; performance of work by city; appeal right.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Notice; Performance of work by city. Upon receipt of written notice from the director of health or the director of neighborhood and community services, the owner of any building or structure specified therein shall take immediate measures for the rat-stoppage of such building or structure. The notice shall state that if such work is not completed within 15 days from the date of the notice or within the time of any written extension thereof that may have been granted by the city, the property owner or occupant may be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation, may be prosecuted in municipal court and that procedures will be initiated to have the rat-stoppage completed by the city, with the cost thereof being specially assessed against the property.


    Right to appeal. Any person wishing to appeal any order to rat-stop may request a hearing before the director that sent the notice. Such hearing request must be made within 15 days from the notice date. The director shall schedule a hearing as soon as practicable and shall notify the owner of the hearing date and time. The owner may present such evidence bearing upon the subject as he or she may desire. The director may affirm, reverse or modify the action appealed from, as justice may require. Failure to file a timely appeal shall constitute a waiver of the right to appeal the director's decision.

(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 18.125; Ord. No. 41688, 9-22-72; Ord. No. 56565, 6-14-84; Ord. No. 090784, § 1, 10-15-09)