§ 34-3. Power of director of health to order changes in places of public resort.
Whenever the operation of any schoolhouse, place of amusement or other place of public resort shall be such as in the opinion of the director of health is calculated to endanger the health of those attending such places, the director shall immediately give notice to the owner, occupant, manager or person in charge thereof to alter or change the place in accordance with the direction of such director within such time as the director shall specify. If the owner, occupant, manager or person in charge thereof fails, neglects or refuses within such time to make such alterations or changes as ordered by the director, he shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this chapter, and the director shall immediately report such delinquency to the city counselor for prosecution before the municipal court. The director shall cause such changes or alterations to be forthwith made and shall report the cost thereof to the court, which shall enter the costs as a part of the fine against such person.
(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 18.3)